Do Your Best!

YHC was serving as Senior Patrol Leader today.  As with F3, Scouts is a volunteer organization.  Specifically, Boy Scouts is led by youth, giving them their first taste at organization, service, leadership, and sometimes humility.  Today was a lesson in all four for YHC.  It felt like herding cats to get the group to start moving, not unlike any Scouting activity.  Trouble was finding four volunteers to serve as Patrol Leaders.  Thanks to Napster, Sooey, Burt, and Crimson (hope I got those PLs right) for stepping up.  That’s what Scouts (and F3) are good for.  Patrol Names were assigned as Nighthawks, Eagles, Stags, and Wolves.  Names would come in handy later.

5:46 kickoff.   Lots of pleading with the Nantan by the pax about when the workout was going to start.  Nantan looked concerned.  YHC pressed on.  Quick disclaimer, then Pledge of Allegiance together


  • Jog over to the Community Center for some warmups (GM, SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly, all in 10 count).
  • Scout Law Merkins (Regular, Wide, Offset L, Offset R, R Leg Up, L Leg Up, reverse all the way to 12)) YHC missed one somewhere, so we skipped 11 and went from 10 to 12.  So you got 67 instead of 78 Merkins.
  • Assigned patrols by counting off 1-4 as needed. I think we had something near 25 or so in the bunch, based on the patrol sizes of about 6.  Remind the PAX of the Scout Motto to Be Prepared as we started the next set.  Each patrol had a bucket to lug with them, to pick up litter along the way.  Thanks fellas, you made a difference today.  The bag of dog poop was especially appreciated.


  • Thang 1: Run to the streetlights, and find some cones strategically placed.
    1. Boat/Canoe x 10 IC
    2. E2K (Ear to Knee) x 10 each side
  1. Plank Jack x 10 IC
  2. Ranger Merkins x 10 IC
  3. Eights (Do a Good Turn/Mtn Climbers)
  4. Power Merkin x 10, flapjack
  5. Air Squared x 10 IC
  6. Red Bull Smurf Jack x 20 IC
  7. Extinguisher Relay from the boat ramp to the top of Kiosk Hill
  8. Down the hill, oops we violated Leave No Trace…time to learn more about that.


  • Thang 2: At the Compass Rose, still in patrols.

Patrols started in the middle, at the “campfire”, and did one burpee, then ran to their corresponding starting compass point (Nighthawks = North, etc.).  At the first whistle, do each exercise for 30 seconds, then at the second whistle, run back to the center, do one burpee.  Run out to the next compass rose, rotating clockwise around the compass.

  1. LBC
  2. Elbow Plank Jack (chilcutt jack)
  3. Alabama AssKickers
  4. V-Ups
  5. Elbow Plank March (chilcutt march)


  1. Nipplers
  2. One Legged Burpee


  1. Turkish Get Ups (running short on time, 8 and 9 completed at the “campfire”.
  2. Russian Twist (American Hammer)

Time ran out, so up over the hill we go, right past the Keep Off Hill sign…oh well, we failed that lesson.

  1. All you got to the flags
  2. Circle up
  3. Everybody on your six

I could hear Saban’s stinkeye from the field…so we hustled back asap.  I considered Mary in the field but that would’ve left our running crew with no closure, so I broke off from the plan.


Back for COT at 6:31.

Not many praises or prayers shared today; everyone was ready to roll out.  (There were more shared at Refinery)

Beer Mile tomorrow.  Come for the 1st F, stay for the 2nd, might need some of the 3rd.  Please be mindful about parking around BB; they have specific spots they want you to park.

Convergence at FOD Monday, come for the first F, stay through the third.  Rumors of a pre-Murph abound…check GroupMe, Slack, Twitter, then average out the info.

Crazy Train June 9th 0730 meet at BO, train departs at 0808.  Buy your $7 ticket at  Bring water bottle for refills, and any cash/nutrition you might need for the 14 mile return.  Stick around after for the Pimento Cheese Festival in Cary, and sodas in downtown Cary.

YHC took us out in the standard Troop 226 Boy Scout meeting closing prayer- “May the Great Scoutmaster of us all, be with us until we meet again.”


Full disclosure; YHC is battling a touch of the vertigo, was dizzy and nauseous all day Tuesday, into the night.  2am night sweats made this a touch and go Q.  My apologies if it was not quite up to par.  Still woozy as of 1000 Wednesday am. I hated to miss Insomnia, but had some setup to do, and wasn’t feeling up to the task, but didn’t want to back out.

I know we were behind, but rushing the pax in the namearama felt a little wrong.  YHC will do better next time in getting us back in time.  Had a lot to try to get through, and I overbooked it.  Be glad we didn’t get to Everests up the hill.  That was going to be the last E.

Thanks to Bartman for the other buckets for the Extinguisher Relay (yes, I know it’s a bucket brigade…there is a woefully small amount of exercises in the Exicon that start with “E”.

Thanks to Sooey for organizing Scout week.  It’s been fun seeing what these other leaders have up their sleeves!  Also kudos to Sooey for posting after flying back in so late last night.

Come join me at Whiplash on 5/26.  It’s 2.1 ZipDrive’s 15th birthday, let’s see if he posts with me.  No theme.  Just a beat down.

See also