Do You Know Any Good Veterinarians?

It’s a beautiful morning at Downtown Train in beautiful downtown Holly Springs!

Warm-Up Mosey over to the library and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios forward, cherry pickers, Sir Fazios backwards, copperhead merkins, calf stretches and copperhead squats.

The Thang Mosey over to the rock pile and grab a rock that doesn’t have a copperhead under it, circle up for presses, tricep extensions, rows, squats and curls. Take a lap around the library and grab your rock for rock yo bodies and squat thrusts.

Gently place your rock back where you found it and mosey across the street to the My Way Tavern parking lot, with some ass-in-the-street monkey humpers along the way. Partner up for Dora, one partner does merkins, squats and LBCs, the other partner bear crawls up the ramp on the right and runs down the stars on the left.

Mosey over to the parking deck, one group does BTTW while the other group knocks out 20 merkins.

Mary Mosey back to the flag and circle up for pax called Mary with lots of merkins and Homer-to-Marge.

COT Count-a-rama:  10 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECT, 4 meh, 0 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers Red Ryder’s mom coming home from the hospital today, prayers for Ma Bell’s continued recovery, prayers for the people of India. BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS  Ma Bell was scheduled to lead this morning, unfortunately he’s on IR with busted ribs. To show my respect for the Nantan Emeritus during rock curls I asked the South Wake pax Do you know any good veterinarians? Cause I got a couple of sick pythons!

The South Wake guys have a different name for rock yo bodies, you know how those burpee clappers are.

I can’t run down a main street in a downtown without stopping for monkey humpers.

Thanks to Quiver for inviting us out, we always feel welcome in South Wake, and y’all are always welcome in Carpex.

Closed it out with coffeeteria at Panera with some of the Paradise City pax.

Love you guys!

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