Do you even fitness, bro?

YHC is working on his fitness and his #CarpexChallenge so after making sure his passport is valid he hit up the ole Q sheet and got on for DZ.

Swung by and grabbed Open Out so we could take turns driving and let the other one sleep.  I love road trips!  Upon arrival we had to check our calendar.  This was Friday, right!?!  Empty lot.  Soon enough the PAX rolled in.  Some via ruck (Pergo), some via vehicle (via vehicle, say it again, it’s fun to say), and a couple running in (Flip and Permit).

All in all 9 PAX posted.  18 at DP I see.  Hmmm…


Single digits brought us back to the olden days of being able to get that solid 2nd F time in without needing to split into groups.  It was nice.  Not saying better, just saying it was welcoming.  I digress…

Fitness Challenge 9/2/2016 Back in September Callahan put us through the gauntlet with his crazy stupid fun tough crawl heavy fitness challenge.  And as we now sit here 6 months later (in so much better shape) I felt it was time to get a refresher.  That way when Callahan returns (ah-hem, hint hint) we can challenge it up again!

So a quick warm up around the pickle and we head down to the starting line.  Or so I thought.  Let’s just say Large and I have different definitions of “greenway”.  I was looking for the paved path and he thought I was looking for the trail.  This was when it was wonderful to only have 9 guys.  You do this with 18 guys and the you’ve lost the group to chatter the rest of the morning.

So after our little “detour” in the dark (luckily 2 pax with head lamps!) we emerged back on the path and headed for BCB, skipping 1.1 station for now…

Again this is a refresher so as a pax of 9 we went through all of the fitness stations.  I upped the counts at each stop to 20~25 depending on the station and had two groups, other group doing Freddies while exercises were done at each station.

After the first lap we stopped at the start/finish and told the pax we would now run one full lap at race pace…so that’s what we did!

It sucked.  Gah I forgot how bad a lap sucks.  Gah Callahan sucks.  It’s simple math.

Callahan = fitness challenge fitness challenge = 1 lap of 9 stations 1 lap = suck therefore, Callahan = suck.

OK after that lap we did a couple hill sprints with 10 x WWIIs and again with 10 jump lunges.

Then after that I guess I created a new Sucksercise.  I’m calling it the Derkin Shuffle unless it has been done before:

- Every man get their own picnic table (9 pax makes this work perfect) - Get in derkin starting position - Start at the left side of the bench and do 1 derkin - Shuffle hands and feet to opposite end of bench for derkin #2 - Continue for a 10 count trying not to break. Works well for the end of a workout to really finish off the PAX

It finished me off and we did some Mary. LBCs x 15 to get my lungs back Side Plank J Lo’s x 15 per side (possible new #SignatureMove here) Co-Q Coney called 15 box cutters


  •  - #BeigeOps will be there, YHC and 2.0s will be there as well!
  • Phoenix Photoshoot.  Comb your hair and go sleeveless of course


  • Flip flop ran in from his house double fisting what appeared to be a water and a coffee.  Is this normal DZ?!
  • Seriously Callahan.  TWO bear crawls per lap.  bruh.
  • Open Out took at least hmmm 30 seconds to find what part of the wall he wanted to box jump.  Dude was scared he was going to fall off a cliff.
  • It’s not a cliff bro.  You’ll be fine.  Pick a spot…
  • Pergo has the. brightest. headlamp. ever. invented. ever.
  • We needed it there on the “greenway”.  Yeah that’s right it’s in quotes, Large, because that aint no greenway.
  • Really questioning the Site Qs out there at DZ right now.  I’m gonna talk to the 1st F leaders.
  • Guys, don’t go straight to the nantan anymore about 1st F stuff.  Franklin feels left out.
  • Know the chain of command guys, come on.
  • Burt is seriously worried about nantan’s approval of his 2nd F efforts.
  • Nantan must have pulled a “Burt can I talk to you after” recently.
  • What do you think the firing process is for that?
  • If i were to guess I would say Nantan pulls out a scraper and scrapes off your F3 sticker right in front of your face.  Hands you the shredded remains and pats you on your back.  No words spoken.
  • But for reals, Burt and Rip are kililn it with the 2nd F!  Keep it up fellas.
  • Us 3rd Fs are kinda like, “uuuh uuuh, but Refinery!”  That’s all we go back to right now.  But plans are getting set in motion.  Be on the lookout.
  • Happy Friday, all!

See also