Do it for the Coffee

It was a chilly below freezing morning, so my overarching goal was to keep the PAX moving (warm) without collapsing from exhaustion (me).  A delicate balance to be sure.

No FNG’s as I start the disclaimer.  Then stop the disclaimer as Augmented wheels into the parking lot.  Then start the disclaimer *again*.  Mosey to the flag, do the Pledge, and leave the small parking lot in favor of the big parking lot.

YHC was making things up as I went along so take everything from here to “Then we did Have a nice day” with a grain of salt. 

Circle up for warm up.  Started off with stretching – “Good Mornings”. Then a PAX who’s initials are Bluewater – aka “No, I don’t own any short sleeve shirts because I like to show off my arms” made some snide remark about how my warm up exercise won’t keep him warm.  Fine.  10 burpies OYO.  Then we did some side straddle hops, control freak merkins, mountain climbers, and more control freak merkins.

I think we were sufficiently warmed up by then or my attention was wandering.  Regardless, I wanted to do some rock work and the rock pile is at the other end of the series of parking lots.  How do you move the PAX from one place to the other?  I’m glad you asked!

From where we are, run to the other end of the parking lot stopping at each tree for three star jumps.  At each tree afterwards, add three more star jumps.  A quick mosey to the second parking lot.  In this parking lot, at every light pole, stop and do three merkins, adding three at each light pole. 

I didn’t realize just how many light poles there were so at some point we started all over again with 2 merkins and incremented by two.  Then we found ourselves at the rock pile.

Pair up.  One partner goes to get a rock of appreciable size as it will not be traveling.  (I’m happy to report, everyone had large stones at BIB this morning)  One pax does AMRAP rock rows while the other pax runs to the far tree and back.  Flip flop and repeat. 

  • Next, run to closer tree, other guy does rock curls
  • Next, run to a closer tree and other guy does overhead press
  • Next, run to a closer tree and the other guy does tricept extensions
  • Next, run to the medium tree and the other guy does rock curls  
  • Next, run to the far tree and the other guy does rock rows

Just to speed things up, we kept our pairs and while one PAX started working on 120 LBC’s, the other ran a small pickle, then flip-flop.  Everyone reached 120 and got in three laps.

Then we started back.

Run back to the first large parking lot (post at BIB, you will understand)  “Pyramid gassers based on light poles for the whole parking lot ending at the far end.

Mosy back to the small parking lot for a quick round of Jack Webbs before Mary. YHC calls on Bluewater, litebright, augmented, and Disco Duck for their favorite Mary exercise.  I can’t remember all of them but we ended with Have a Nice Day.

6 PAX for a well deserved coffee at NYBDIII

See also