Do It Again

No this is not a backblast inspired by the popular Chris Brown/Steven Furtick worship powerhouse. And no, that is not the same Chris Brown. Come to think of it, there are some theme ideas cooking there. Maybe we’ll see those come out in the next couple weeks. Probably not though.

7 PAX joined YHC at the darkest AO in West Cary on a Monday morning… and per Sub’s assessment, it was at least 6 degrees colder than in Raleigh. As a perpetual stranger in a strange land, I can attest that it was indeed colder when I stepped out of the car than it was when I stepped out of the house. Bogus.

Sub/Ma Bell/The Commish all hit various lengths of EC, and the rest of us gathered for a quick disclaimer, the pledge, and off we go!

Take the long way around the track to the basketball court. Circle up for:

Partner up. Run in opposite directions on the track. When you meet, do 10 partner clap merkins. Turn around and go back to meet at the start.

After a quick walkthrough, starting in the shelter, do the following:
12 ARLSUs in the shelter
run the donut
11 pull ups or dips at the playground
run the donut
10 ARLSUs in the shelter
run the donut
…follow the pattern…
2 ARLSUs in the shelter
run the donut
1 pull up/dip at the playground

Re-partner up with someone of opposite speed and do the thing we did at the beginning: Run in opposite directions on the track. When you meet, do 10 partner clap merkins. Turn around and go back to meet at the start.

Mary led by the PAX. 15 reps each of:
Commish- American Hammers
Disco - Homer to Marge
Ma Bell - V-Ups
Sub - LSF
Torpedo - Supermans
Loom - Box Cutters
One Four - Freddie Mercs

Have a nice day and that’s it!

COR/NOR - 3 RESPECTs, 5 meh

DTP relocating to Apex Chamber of Commerce starting tomorrow.
Core Challenge started today (see Prodigal for deets).
Of course it was a themed workout.

Sub’s opportunities
Disco’s M
Unspokens Spoken and Otherwise

5 Wolverines and 1 A-Team Bruiser for Coffeteria at Crema


Here’s the part where I admit that I have goofed so very hard. Last time I Q’d at Wolverine, I co-Q’d with Loom. I promised to write the backblast. I broke that promise harder than Ma Bell broke wind today. I still have a draft saved somewhere, but I have failed you brother.

I think at least 75% of the PAX today were/are site Qs at one point. At the end of the Mary, I felt like I was in the presence of greatness and vastly underqualified to lead the PAX. That’s the best part about this whole thing. We’re not professionals, but we each have the chance to learn from each other and lead.

For the uninitiated (is that even possible), this was a Krispy Kreme Challenge redux. 3 of us did this on Saturday morning. This felt nicer.

Thank you all, I thoroughly enjoyed it. SYITG!

See also