DLR's Choice!

YHC got on the signup sheet for this site months ago, right when it went live! Who knew I’d get busy at work and home, and let the fitness slide a bit (a LOT).

So, with a Q on the horizon, I JUMPed back on the bandwagon last week to try to get my DROP DEAD LEGS back in shape. With all the BRR prep out there, I thought it would be nice to NOT run too far today and to get in some flexibility where we could.

Pledge of Allegiance


Run the big pickle (regular, buttkickers, carioca left, backwards run, carioca right, high knees)

Circle up for SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks, Plank hold countoff 1s and 2s.  Recover on the jog.

First part of the thangs

Line up for a Scout run down to Kelly Road Park (pax seemed to enjoy)

To the pickleball courts for some BTTW and suicides, flapjack, repeato but this time for people’s chair (little bit problematic, see a pickleball court is mighty small for all of us…and headlamps were a mixed blessing)

Exit the courts to the bleachers for some dips and irkins. Good job to the smart guys who moved the bleachers to accomodate the irkins…

Fellowship run to the greenway, then down the hill to the footbridge.

Second part of the thangs

1s and 2s faceoff and pick your partner

Dora 123 with P1 AYG up the hill to the kink, then jog back down, flapjack for 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs.  Recover. Y’all crushed this. We all pitched in to finish the last 20 LBCs together in cadence (which means 10).

Fellowship run back up the hill, along the greenway to the sidewalk. 

Last of the thangs

Starting at the “stoplight ahead” sign, P1 bear crawls or lunge walks up to the hydrant, then jogs back down while P2 does AMRAP 10 plank jacks, 10 hammers, and 10 squat jumps.  Flapjack, then when all done hold at the bottom for some plank work (plank hold, bird dog right, six inch hold, regular, bird dog left, six inch hold, regular, down dog) then recover.

Scout run back up the hill, but take the long way around the circle, back to the flag.

Circle up for:

Hello Dolly

Boat Canoe


Countarama = 18, including one FNG Travis (Taxi Driver), friend of Swag

Namearama = a lot of mehs, some respects


The Carying Place 5k/10k. Some random Beaver Creek greenway 5k on 9/2 also. Lots of 1st, 2nd, and F stuff on Slack, also check the calendar https://f3carpex.com/calendar/

Prayer Concerns= YHC mentioned the attacks in Mexico from overnight/this morning, and how the message we spread of brotherhood and sisterhood can only help.

YHC took us out

See also