Disco Wolverine

Seven PAX met in the gloom at the gloomiest AO in Carpex, but YHC was hoping for even numbers so we could partner up.  At the last minute there’s Napster, coming in hot.  Let’s roll.


Mosey over to the middle school parking lot and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, plank jacks and Sir Fazios.

The Thang

Mosey over to the front of the school and partner up (made sure we put the two guys recovering from the Carpex Crud together) for Dora 1-2-3.  P1 starts knocking out 100 derkins, 200 dips and 300 squats while P2 takes a lap around the traffic circle, then flap jack.

Line up along the island in the traffic circle, bear crawl across, perform ten curb derkins, crawl bear back and perform ten curb irkins.

Indian run back to the flag, then mosey to the back of the parking lot and find a non-traveling rock.  Ten copperhead reps IC (down slowly on the first three counts, up quickly on the fourth) of triceps extensions, overhead press, curls, rock rows and rock squats.  Take a lap around the pickle and repeato before running out of time.


22 merkins led by Yogi, around the horn for Rocky Balboa’s, Freddie Mercurys, American hammers and boat-canoe.


Count-a-rama:  8 Name-a-rama:  3 RESPECTS, 5 mehs, 0 HATES Prayers / Praises:  Praises for Yogi and his kids, he was able to visit his son over the weekend and his daughter will be visiting him for a few days next week, continued prayers for Yogi’s friend Tony as he battles cancer, prayers for friends of Tubeless who lost their young child recently and other friends whose newborn is having seizures, prayers for a quick recovery for all the PAX, M’s and 2.0’s hit by the Carpex Crud this weekend, prayers for my mother Sue as she recovers from a broken wrist and elbow BOM:  YHC took us out


Yogi is on day 5 of a challenge where he does 22 merkins a day for 22 days in honor of the 22 veterans who commit suicide each day.  Follow him on facebook for more information.

I almost didn’t call the bear crawl thang because I know how much Yogi hates it, then I remembered all the thangs he’s called that I hated and it didn’t bother me anymore.

The bear crawl thang was so much worse than it seems when reading about it.  That’s coming back.

Shout out to Hi-Liter and Parker for posting for the first time since suffering through the Carpex Crud.  Both guys seemed even faster than usual, both said it was because they’re so much lighter than they were last week.

If you can guess who called boat-canoe Biner will buy you a beer.

See also