Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park.

“Time for a first,” thinks I.

Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. Right into Laurel Park.

“Well, sheeeeeet,” thinks I. “There goes the surprise.”

EC run in the bag, time to get back to the flag and at least surprise the other half dozen or so eagerly awaiting PAX. I must have started to talk it all up too much because next thing I know, Frisco and Bootlegger are out!

That’s fine… time to take the lucky 9 on an adventure of their lives!

But just as we’re getting to the school entrance, someone noted that they were all there just a week ago. With Disco Duck.

“Double sheeeeet,” thinks I.


SSH, Sir Fazio, IW, Squats.

Thang at the School

Partner up for a 1-2-3-4 Dora.

100 burpees; 200 squats; 300 merkins; 400 FM

Partner runs first one pickle, then two, then three then the large fourth pickle.

Make it all the way through +1 lap.

Time to head back for Mary


HP heads off to find the two AWOL guys.

They got there later.

LBC, FK, Obliques, Superman.


  • 9
  • No announcements
  • Prayers for Angry Elf’s nephew


Good times had by me. Not sure about you but I enjoyed it.

See also