Disclaimer: We Won't Run.

YHC hadn’t posted since Hot for Teacher last week as I was dealing with a bum ankle, so when coming up with a plan for this morning, I thought it’d be a good idea to limit the running and just hit upper body hard. I announced to the group how unprofessional I am and made a disclaimer that we wouldn’t be doing a lot of running. I quickly realized in the first mosey that the ankle was feeling pretty darn good so I changed my plans on the fly and incorporated the worst hill I could find. Needless to say, the peanut gallery made sure to give me a hard time about my false disclaimer after the hill repeats.

Oh well. Here’s what went down…

Today was Veteran’s Day so first exercise, as it always is, Pledge of Allegiance but with a little more enthusiasm this morning then off for a short mosey.


  • Crimson Good Mornings

  • Side-straddle Hops to Burt Jacks

  • Plank:

    • Mountain Climbers

    • Annies L/R

    • Calf Stretch L/R

    • 8-count Merkins

Mosey to the bottom of the amphitheater with the giant steps.


Partner work with…

Round 1:

  • Partner 1: Merkins with Balls to the Wall Climbs

  • Partner 2: Dips AMRAP

    • Partner 1 starts their exercise then switches with Partner 2 after they complete 5 reps.

    • Once each PAX has done each exercise 3x, wall sit until the 6 was done.

Mosey to back parking lot with rock pile…

Round 2:

  • Partner 1: Colt 45s with rocks

  • Partner 2: Curbkins

    • Partner 1 starts exercise then switches with Partner 2 after all 45 reps are completed.

    • Each PAX does each exercise 2x the squat holds until 6 is done.

Mosey the long way around to Magdala hill.


This is a steep hill primed for a solid ass-kicking, so I split it into a top, middle and bottom for 7s.

Top: Robert Kraft Merkins (Massage Parlor Merkins)

Middle: Squat Jump to L/R Bonnie Blair x 2 (complete every time you cross through the middle)

Bottom: Burpees

This hill definitely sucks real good, but I realized that we were probably going to be short on time, so I called it after about 4-5 rounds and we took a mosey to the loop in front of the church. We lunge-walked to the halfway point then bear crawled out of the loop. Headed to the flag for Mary.


  • American Hammers
  • 100s
  • WWIIs
  • Have a nice day!


  • Thanked Theismann and all Veterans in our community for their sacrifice and service.
  • Lifted up Build-A-Bears last Q at BO tomorrow before his surgery and prayed for quick healing.
  • Respect Week, Support our Seniors!

See also