Didn't Mean to Asterisk

YHC had a strange Sunday night.  Two brews at the pool and things get discombobulated apparently.  Took a “nap” from 1900-2000, then put the kids to bed, then put on the marriage study audiobook for Monday’s 3rdF at Starbucks by Costco from 0645-0715 and proceeded to wake up with the light on, one earbud in and the clock reading 0100…and no plan for the Krypto beatdown in place.  20 mins later the beatdown is planned and the light is off.  Back up at 0455 and this is what happened:

12 Pax met YHC (13 total math whizzes) for his first Kryptonite Q of the 2018 season.  IR now officially over and ready to hit the high tempo!

  • Hermes had shoes on, Shank finally showed up for a Kryptonite, and Yogi was there/Burt was not.
  • Disclaimer given
  • Out of the parking lot and immediate u-turn.  YHC forgot he wanted to check the Koka gates, make sure we are g2g for the route back.  Don’t want to be late…#foreshadow
  • Run down the lake path past the tent for warmup:  Shut-In Signature Warmup (SSW)
  • Now mislead the pax into Kokabooth, u-turn again and finally get out of there to the giant parking lot.

Thang 1

  • Partner up - size/speed/nothing matters, just another living pax.
  • P1 - run first median lap  /  P2 - OYO AMRAP the 1st Jack Web:  1 Merkin:4 Air Presses
  • Flapjack
  • Next lap is 2 medians and 2:8 ratio, final lap 3:12.  Meant to do 4:16 but dang, that’s a huge parking lot!!

Thang 2

  • Run to Half Hill
  • P1 run up Half Hill to median for 10 diamond curbkins
  • P2 OYO AMRAP 5 Night Clubs / 5 Overhead Claps / 5 Air Presses (shoulder burner)
  • Flapjack

Thang 3

  • Run to next neighborhood up entrance
  • 5 5 5’s:  5 CDDs, run up the hill, 5 Monkey Humpers, 5 laps
  • Watchout for the moving truck arriving at 0605 (boys)


*****  Asterisk *****

You see a typical Shut-In beatdown consists of 3 thangs each about 15 mins.  The errors on this morning were:

  1.  Too many u-turns
  2.  Not leaving precisely at 0530
  3.  Running too far during Thang 1
  4.  Running too far during Thang 3
  5.  Sticking to the plan of still doing the 25/25 at the bridge
  6.  And lastly…YHCs watch has about a 2 second delay between what Strava shows and then updates to show as actual time.  So in the final very precious minutes quick looks to the watch showed wrong times.  I’m not blaming Apple or Strave…but I sorta am.

COT proved to be productive:  Denali was made the Site Q with Build-A-Bear and Hermes demanded SWW get some respect and host the 2018 July 4th Summer Games.

See also