Did Yoga ask to run?

  • When: 11/27/2018
  • QIC: Pet Sounds
  • The PAX:  Hermes, Yoga, Ma, Goose, Titanic, LiteBrite, Term Paper, Hello Kitty, WKRP and Pet Sounds

#DRP - check

10 HIM made the right decision to get out of the fartsack, and accelerate their F1


Go Time 0530 Warm Up

  • mozy to the grocery parking lot
  • Circle up for SSH, Merkins (wide, reg, diamond) Hill Bills, Imp Walkers

Thang One:  

  • Mozy to short hill
  • 7s star jumps and Merkins

Thang Two:

  • Mozy to Piney Pines
  • Stop along the way for Irkins
  • Mozy down hill
  • Stop along the way for Dirkins

Thang Three:

  • Light Pole Burpees ascending

Thang Four:

  • Mozy to the Bridge
  • 15x partner pull ups



  • Mozy back to the flag for Mary
  • LBCs, LSFs, J-Lo’s


Announcements & Prayer Requests

  • Kitty and his con’t improvement in our education system
  • Titanic and Hermes organizing cookie $$ donations and food delivery

Naked Moleskin - Esse quam videri

See also