Diamonds Are Forever

Today was the last day of YHC’s 52nd year on this big blue ball, so what better way to send it out than a nice game of 52-pick up, kettle bell style!

A few PAX narrowly avoided penalty burpees by sliding into the parking lot just as we launch. As it turns out, they’d get plenty of burpees later on. #foreshadowing

Warm up

Take a circle of the parking lot, the long way, stopping at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • Back to the start and circle up for:
  • Good Mornings x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio forward x 10 IC
  • Overhead claps x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio backward x 10 IC
  • Seal claps x 10 IC
  • Standard Merkins x 10 OMD
  • Plank hold for 10 count around the circle. There were 18 of us, and some PAX forgot how to count mid-stream, so this took a while.

Shoulders properly warmed up, gather for…

The Thang

  • Partner up (that’s 2 PAX, Frisco), 1 kettlebell per pair
  • Each team takes turn drawing card from center of circle
  • Suit determines kb exercise and additional exercise to be done at flag.
    • Hearts: curls / merkins
    • Clubs: upright rows/ lbcs
    • Spades: lawnmowers / sumo squats
    • Diamonds: triceps extensions / burpees
  • P1 does kb exercise AMRAP while P2 runs to flag, performs exercise and runs back
  • Flip flop
  • Rotate until each team has picked card once

YHC thought this would be a nice balance of exercises, but who knew that something like 4 out of the 9 cards drawn were diamonds, and high cards at that. The distribution was something like 4 diamonds, 2 hearts, 2 clubs and 1 spade. As it turns out, this took the entire workout to complete.


Collect some additional bells from Earhardt’s car and circle up for the following, all with your bell:

  • American Hammers x 10 IC
  • Hello Dolly x 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercuries x 10 IC
  • Finish up with Have a Nice Day


  • The Mule (F3 Raleigh CSAUP) is coming up Saturday, March 9
  • Soft Launch of Lion’s Den February 27, 5:30 @ St. Mary Magdalene; standard boot
  • camp


  • Crimson and his family as his FIL faces stage 4 brain cancer.
  • Continued recovery for Sooey (back surgery) and Ausfhart (motorcycle accident)
  • All other prayers unspoken


  • Been meaning to Q Hell’s Bells for a while. Glad to finally check the box!
  • YHC liked the randomness of using the deck of cards.
  • Actually had a second round on the other side of the sheet, but didn’t anticipate it taking as long as it did.
  • Diamonds were a double-whammy: not only did you have to do the burpees, but it can take a while to do them, so the partner doing tricep extensions is feeling it by the time the other one returns!
  • Always a privilege to lead. Can’t wait to see what year 53 has in store for YHC!

See also