Diamonds are a PAX best friend

Standing EC run 0510 with Hermes, Oofta, Chipper, Wonderbread, Chanticleer, Michelob, Denali and YHC.

No FNGs so No disclaimer was given by YHC. Term Paper however gave it while Moseying to the warm-up and then quickly sent a harshly worded e-mail to Ma Bell.

**Good Morning, Windmill, Steve Earle, Arm Circles, Merkins

Mosey to Baseball Field

**Thang One
**Seven of Diamonds - Starting at Home plate, mosey to right field perform 7 of called exercise, mosey to left field repeat 7 of exercise, mosey to home plate, repeat 7 of exercise, bear crawl to 2nd base, sprint to center field fence, perform 7 IC count Aussie Mnt. Climber, backwards run back to home plate.

Repeato the entire things 7 times adding 7 reps for 3 more rounds then reducing by 7 reps for the last 3 rounds and changing the exercise each round. Aussie Mnt Climber always matched number of reps performed.

1- 7x Superman Burpee
2 - 14x Imperial Walker
3 - 21x SSH
4 - 28x LBC
5 - 21x CDD
6 - 14x Squat Jumps
7 - 7x Merkins


**Mule this weekend
Convergence at SNS Wednesday the 13th
Prayers - Ausfahrt, Sooey, Crimson, McCants, TP’s daughter

YHC took us out with a quote from Confucius.

The way of a superior man is three-fold: virtuous, he is free from anxieties; wise, he is free from perplexities; bold, he is free from fear.


See also