Despite the forecast, a beautiful day and a disc golf hole?

It was supposed to be another rainy afternoon in paradise but despite all indications was dry as the Pax circled up.

YHC was very excited to be back at the premier afternoon workout in Carpex after nearly a year away from this particular AO.  24 plus hours into nasty weather and lots of rain, I was quite concerned as to whether or not I would be posting alone.  However, in typical F3 fashion 8 brave souls and YHC showed up and at 1745 we were off.

A quick jog around the back parking lot (2 times) to loosen those legs and then circle up for warm up which consisted of GM, IW, MC, SSH, SFAC, SC, OC.

now that are shoulders are warm - we ran over near the flag on the ramp for 2 rounds of irkins and australian push ups.  During one call for a 10 count from Riptide, instead we had a women stop her cell phone call to yell at us about exercising - strange things happen in DTC in the late afternoon.

A lunge walk up the ramp, then some quick feet at the bottom then to the fountain for a round of dips.  While dipping, we eyed a newly installed Disc Golf hole and decided to incorporate it in the workout.   Ollie stepped up to the hole - (about 15 yards) and promptly carded a three - oh well - the Q called 3 laps around the municipal building - after one lap - an audible - we gave Kermit a chance to redeem - with a 2, we limited it to 2 laps around - so we did one more.  Next up - Riptide - with a 2 - so 2 x 10 dips and Mojo with a 2 so 2 x 10 or 20 ALRSUs.  YHC tried to best the pax to no avail (also a two) so we called it a day and headed on.

Over to the parking deck for some staircase 7s.  Up to the top - 6 Star jumps, back to the bottom, 1 squat, repeat 5,2; 4,3; 3,4; 2,5; 1,6

To the floor of the deck for planks - 10 count around, regular, right arm up, regular, left arm up, regular, chilcut.  Grumbles getting loud, we moved on - back to the flag for some Mary with a stop along the way to paint some lines.  Mary - Dying Cockroach, American Hammer, LBC, WW2, Hello Dolly


Announcements - Saturday quadruple down, clown car Dec 1st to Joco, Christmas party 12/13

Prayers for Crimson (recovery from procedure), Speed Racer’s M who is travelling and Freon (tumor)

YHC took us out

Great to be back out here - thanks men for following me

See also