Design by Committee

Four ruckers filled the leadership void at Rolling Stone in fine fashion by taking turns leading the 3/29 installment. Here’s what went down:

Gather by the flag with the high-tempo crew, and watch their 6’s quickly take off toward Preston Circle. We headed in that direction at a nice ruck mosey, stopping at the circle for our Q-a-rama:

  • Hot Cakes: GM x10, bear crawl 30m with ruck on back, return trip dragging ruck on ground.
  • Geek Squad: 10x irkin, shuffle 10m, 10x squat, lunge walk 10m, 10x irkin, shuffle 10m, 10x squat. Repeato for a total of 3x.
  • Skipper: Start on street near gazebo. Mosey to gazebo, 10x dips, come back with ruck overhead, back to gazebo, 10x flutter kick IC (ruck OH), return with ruck OH. Repeato for a total of 3x.
  • At this point we mosey’d back to the start point. Ostensibly because of the time, but really so we could find Bartman’s coupons.
  • Bartman: Each group of two on a sandbag. PAX 1 - sandbag clean and throw while PAX 2 does squats, then flapjack and continue moving sandbag 25m to end of parking lot. Swap sandbags with other team at the turn-around

COT with Gran Torino crew. Coffeteria after.

See also