Deck of Death

Yogi brought the beatdown today, and he was sporting a shiny deck of cards. The PAX are starting to gather, as Yogi is shuffling the cards. Many of the PAX knew what they were in for, but the newer ones had no idea what fun we were about to have. 5:30 rolls around and it’s time to go with 13 lucky PAX.

Yogi places half the deck down and runs down the parking lot 30-40 yards and places the other half of the deck down. Pulls a card and calls the first exercise. He gave no explanation on how it works, we learned as we went along. Hearts = Burpees, Diamonds = Diamond Merkins, Clubs = WW2, and Spades = Squats. The value determines the number of the exercise 2-13 (2-K) and A = 15. Finish the exercise, run to the other deck, and another PAX draws a card and calls the exercise.

The PAX did a great job of pulling a card and calling the exercise. This is a good way to get the newer guys accustomed to calling exercises.

Tortoises will be closed next week, so all can attend the 9/11 Convergence at Carter Finley Stadium.

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