Deck of Danger...Zone, That Is

A PAX could be forgiven for thinking I was phoning in a second Q in as many days by bringing the US Playing Card Company Red Bicycle deck with me to Danger Zone this AM, but I planned several surprises to make this more than a mere deck of death.  Its another variation on the Hamburger Helper theme of easy to run workouts.  But don’t worry, all is forgiven Shut-In.  Also, it’s not the first time someone has suggested I might not be able to adequately Q two workouts in a row (see “Don’t Sandbag Me Bro” to see how that went).  With the Deck of Danger…Zone and a healthy showing of PAX assembled, we set off into the second gloomiest AO in all of F3-dom.

The Warm-Up

One lap around the parking lot to the lamp-post with butt-kickers and high-knees.  For the IR crowd head straight to the lamp-post.  No, the other lamp-post.  Circle up for…who’s that random guy jogging in the park at this hour?  Oh, that’s site Q Flip Flop…late…to his own site…claiming he needed to tie his shoes.  10 penalty burpees all around.  After that, the rest of warm-up seemed easy: SSH, Good mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers.

The Thang

Deceptively simple plan: draw a card - suit determines exercise and value determines number of reps.

Hearts = Box Jumps

Diamonds = Pull-ups

Clubs = WWIIs

Spades = Merkins.

Now for the bonus features:

Each time you return to the deck, you pay an escalating number of burpees to draw the next card.  Round 2 = 2 burpees, round 3 = 3 burpees and so on.  13 cards in a suit, so we went to 13 burpees before reducing a burpee with each return.  This was a real crowd-pleaser.

Aces earned you a jog to the thankfulness rock and back, with a bear crawl around the rock, as well as a burpee holiday

Jokers were scattered face-up throughout the deck.  If one of those suckers was underneath the card you drew, it doubled the card’s value. (e.g. an 8 + joker = 16 reps).

See the table below for the totals


Count-o-rama/Name-o-rama: 19 - 4 hates and 3 respects

Announcements: Same stuff, different day

Prayers: Disco Duck’s M, Burt’s Bro-in-law, Loom’s daughter, Kilmer’s 2.0s

YHC took us out


Clogs again, but I was ready for you this time, Chadwick O’Slotta - Mutton-maker

Disco Duck does some of the prettiest burpees I have ever seen

Saban: “there is no exercise with a higher injury to reward ratio than burpees”

As per Hi-Liter’s suggestion, I am thinking of starting a vlog where I do short interviews with F3 dudes after workouts to get their perspectives on life.  Maybe called Beatdowns with Beaker, or Burpees with Beaker, or some other alliteration (alliteration and onomatopoeia in consecutive backblasts!).  Anyone have experience with this sort of thing, or know how to work an iPhone for the video?  Inaugural installment will be called “The Muggo”

Add your own

Honor to lead you men this morning.  Until next time, which is FOD on 10Apr18, so be there.

RoundSuitAces (Burpee Holiday)Burpees
Hearts (Box Jumps)Diamonds (Pull-ups)Spades (Merkins)Clubs (WWIIs)
1K (13)
2K x Joker (26)2
5Q (12)4
9K (13)8
10J (11)9
14Spades x Joker
216 x Joker (12)8
SUM37324946 4150

See also