Deck Move

33 degrees.   Clear.   Dark.  No Wind.

14 Dudes.

6 Headlights.

52 Cards.

Warm Up

  • Jog to the Field
  • SSH, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Burt Jacks.  Good Mornings,  Flutter Kicks, Hand Release Merkins….done IC, 15-20 count.


  • Deck of Death.    52 cards.  4 Moves.   Jump Squats, Burbees, Hand Release Merkins and Plank Jacks.   1, 2, 3, 4,….13 random reps for each of the 4 moves. Run 50 yards out and back between every 4 / 6 cards.
  • Jog back to Flag.    LBC’s and 5 count 6 Inch Leg Raises around the Circle.


  • 14 Dudes, 6 Respect Dudes.
  • Announcments:   See Group Me.   Most of the time in the News Feed
  • Prayers:  Ascot/Yogi’s Friend Tony with aggressive prostate cancer and Grease’s mom Missy who had surgery to remove a brain tumor this am.


  • Many thanks for Saban on the time keeping help.  On time and wrapped up COT at 6:31.  Not too bad for a dude with ADD.
  • Also thanks for Co-Site Q Biner as a tour guide to the field.    Biner is such a nice guy.
  • Wolverine has to be the darkest AO in all of F3.
  • Term Paper was temporarily renamed Turks and Paper or Term Caicos…you pick it.
  • It’s cool that all of the Coffeeterias are taking off.    2nd F Co-Q’s are happy.   Survey did not predict this.

Good stuff leading and picking up some extra energy from the Dudes.   Solid Group this am and I was thrilled to be part of the squad.



See also