Today was the first cold morning we’ve had that didn’t feel cold.  It felt crisp.  YHC didn’t question my decision to leave the fartsack for the gloom, I just enjoyed the time spent with my brothers.


Take a lap around the parking lot and circle up for some side straddle hops, hill billies, cotton pickers, Sir Fazio arm circles, and since Nature Boy showed up late we did ten burpees.  Nah, he was late but we were gonna do those burpees anyway.

The Thang

Mosey over towards Green Level Church Road to the last parking lot on the left and line up at the first light pole for some modified sprints.  Run to the second light pole and back, then to the third light pole and back, finally to the last light pole and back.  Each time you change directions perform ten reps of an exerice.

We started off with merkins, squats and LBCs.  As usual the PAX was faster than I expected so we added another round with star jumps.  Then I asked if they had one more round in them, and since no one said no, Ma Bell suggested burpees.  Who am I to say no to Ma Bell or to burpees?

Count off into 1’s and 2’s and mosey down to the basketball court, with the groups in opposite corners.  Rotate around the court by doing bear crawls along the baseline and sprints along the sidelines, stopping at each corner for ten reps of an exercise.  We did American hammers, dying cock-a-roaches and Homer-to-Marge before running out of time.


Circle up in the parking lot for a quick round of low slow flutters.


Count-a-rama: 15 Name-a-rama: 5 RESPECTS,  10 mehs, 0 HATES Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Grease Monkey’s M and mother, prayers for Largemouth and M going in for c-section on Wednesday, praise that Wilbur has been cleared to go back to work and prayers that he will back in the gloom with us soon. BOM: YHC took us out


I don’t get out to Field of Dreams often, but I always enjoy it.  It’s a beautiful AO with lots of options.

See also