Dazed and Confused

  • When: Sept 11, 2017
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX: Freebird, Crimson, Sooey, Saban, Shut-In, Middler, Ascott, Hotspot, WKRP, Aristocrat, Texas Ranger, Smokey, Disco Duck, Pickles, Wilbur YHC Earhart

Welcome to Kryptonite, my first time here to post and Q, hence I mostly was wandering around, dazed and confused.  15 PAX show-up (eventually), many of whom this was their virgin post, for a “regular” tempo beatdown care of YHC.  No FNGs, we head out for a warm-up run around the parking lot, picking up several PAX along the way and then circle up for:

Warm Up

Good mornings

Side Straddle Hops

Penalty Burpees (care of Ascot and Smokey coming in a few minutes late)

Cotton Pickers

Penalty Burpees (for the A-Team flag hitting the ground)


The Thang

Finish warmup, partner up, and run down to the lake, which I can barely see in the gloom off to our left.  Q had the grand plan of running around the lake doing some catch-me-if-you-can but, as with many of my plans, the gate was locked and we couldn’t do a whole loop.  Time to modify, so we run up to the street and to the first intersection, performing 10 merkins (pushups) between the partners.

At the intersection, we plank hold for all the partners to get there and perform at least two sets of merkins.  Since we are already in the plank position, Q goes with some plank jacks.  Recover, and head to our right up the street, continuing with CMIYC, this time with star jumps.  At the top of the hill, we perform more planks and mountain climbers, that one for Hotspot since he already missed the Blue Ridge.

Back down to the intersection, performing CDDs until we plank hold again and perform Carolina Wine Makers, in honor of Pet Sounds.  I got the cadence completely wrong, forgot it was a five count, but the PAX got some sort of workout.

Last round of CMIYC back to the parking lot and, the A-team flag was on the ground again.  5 more penalty burpees.  Now Q needs to start making things up off script so this parking lot looks ideal for DORA.  100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats.  PAX did a great job finishing those in high-tempo speed (just sayin) so I called a paint-the lines to the other end of the parking lot, with broad-jump burpees back.  Much mumble chatter about that exercise.

Run down to the lower parking lot and circle up for:


PAX called Mary.  Three rounds of crowd favorite, Homer-to-marge, with a high-leg variant called by Hotspot.  Other Mary included slow freddy Mercuries, fast Freddie Mercuries, merkins (not a Mary exercise Crimson), and one of Shut-in’s favs the Shakira.  Bell tolls 6:15 and we are done.


Count-a-rama:  16 PAX


  • 9/18 new AO Wolverine, launches Davis Dr. Park
  • 9/26 New AO Full Metal Jacket, launches in Salem Pond Park
  • All other AOs on those days will be open for business
  • Odyssey CSAUP, October 7th
  • 9/11 Stair Climb (Tuesday in 2018)


  • I really like the AO and the options the site offers.
  • Not my best effort at all with this Q, felt disjointed and sloppy
  • Texas Ranger in particular was disappointed with the slower tempo.
  • Good to see Shut-in back from western climes, and Hot Spot back from BRR
  • Great stories about BRR, sounds like the PAX had a great time outside the one injury
  • 232 PAX posted for the 9/11 stair climb, much RESPECT for the numbers and recognition of this time in our history and the sacrifices made

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also