Day 362 of F3

Today was a number of milestones for YHC:

1 - 3 months working out in the Carpex Region of F3
2 - First Q in the Carpex Region of F3
3 - 1 Year Anniversary of F3

May 25th is officially my 1 year anniversary but due to schedule constraints I celebrated it Carpex style this morning at Lion’s Den, an AO that I had only ever been to once before. Turns out that Google Maps can be quite helpful when planning a workout, especially Street View which was luckily updated for this newer area of Apex.

18 PAX came out to celebrate including one FNG, Hamm because he loves to play soccer, and one South Wake PAX, UTI, who actually EH’d me nearly 1 year ago at the Bond Brothers Beer Mile in 2018. I thought it sounded cool and I literally showed up the next day at Cletus, an AO in South Wake.

Disclaimer given to FNG and off we went.

**Warm Up
**Mosey lap to the bottom of the parking lot where we circled up for the following exercies:

Sir Fazio Arm Circles (10F/10B) IC x 10
Seal Claps IC x 15
Hillbillies IC x 20
Frankenstein Kicks IC x 15 (although this seemed to have another name as most PAX had never heard of this one)

**Thang One
**We all partnered up and did partner wheelbarrows down and then flap jacked on the way back.

**Thang Two
**Mosey around the church over to the front of the school. This time we partnered up in groups of 3’s.

We rotated between one partner doing Derkins, Earkins, and Dips, Partner 2 doing burpees, and Partner 3 running up to the top of the parking lot and back. We would switch each time the runner got back until we all had a chance to do D, E, and Dips.

**Thang Three
**Mosey up to the baseball field. Keeping the same groups of 3 we rotated between the following: BTTW, PC, and the last partner running to the bottom of the path leading between the top of the parking lot and the bball field. At the top of the lot they did 15 Turkish Getups. (YHC’s personal favorite - most of South Wake has banned them)

We rotated through each exercise each time the runner got back until everyone had a chance to do each exercise. After we finished, we rinse and repeated with 5 Turkish Getups instead.

**Thang Four
**We then lined up on the sideline of the field in a “Back Plank” aka Have a Nice Day. When YHC said “GO” PAX got up and sprinted to mid field and then did 5 wide grip merkins. After that we moseyed to the other sideline. Repeato on the way back.

**Thang Five
**Slow mosey to the bottom of the main entrance.
7’s up the hill of the main entrance out to Apex BBQ Rd.
Merkins at the top, WWIs (aka what we’ve been calling WWIIs) at the bottom

American Hammers IC x 20
LBCs IC x 20
Back Plank

Memorial Day Convergence
Carpex 6th Anniversary
Crazy Train
New AO launching in Apex on 6/22, 90 min bootcamp style

YHC took us out with personal reflection on fellowship of the Carpex PAX and the High Impact F3 has had on his life over the past year.

It’s a well know fact that the mumble chatter is typically in full effect in the F3 region. Around the end of Thang Three it was observed and mentioned that the mumble chatter was at a minimum. Mission accomplished! ;)


See also