Day 1: The Frisco "Week of Terror(ible) Qs" Kicks Off

So when Red Ryder begged me to Q the Lion’s Den Q I agreed (since I technically owe him a favor for helping me build a gazebo for my M). Then I noticed that there was a free spot open every day of the week. It wasn’t my anniversary and I wasn’t sure I could do it (still am not), but for some reason I found myself filling my name into those open slots.

So it was I showed up at Hells Bells at the new Sovereign Grace location. Ready to start the week and see how much magic the old boy had in the old tank.

5:30. Deuce had graciously agreed to handle the warm up for me so I got to hang back and listen to PAX comments about a Q bait-and-switch. My Qs tend to spiral off and go down the rabbit hole so I knew a lot of PAX were there for entertainment. Deuce is a very mean guy so people were starting to get scared. Good.

Run through the disclaimer. No FNGs.

Warm up.

Deuce led the PAX on a very merry pickle run and then led the warm up. I know Merkins were in there somewhere and Sir Fazio arm circles. For my part I just ran around yelling at people because, well, at Camp Frisco you can always do more.

Deuce steps back and it’s time for YHC and the main event. PAX groans and mumble chatter began to rise when they realize it wasn’t a bait and switch.

Thang 1:

Everybody grabs a kettle bell (yay! there’s enough). Farmer carry over to the hill for some double 11’s.

Burpees at the bottom, kB curls at the top.

Sour mash dropped his KB (accident or rebellion…?) so I assigned 20 curls at the top for that round. Disco Duck opened his mouth to speak–20 curls at the top for that round. Sour Mash threw a KB at Disco Duck–no extra curls for the PAX–haven’t we all wanted to throw a KB at Duck at one point or another.

Thang 2:

Farmer carry over to church sidewalk for 4 corners. 5 pull ups, 10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 goblin squats.

I had downloaded a bunch of great 80’s hair band music to help the PAX get their blood up. I didn’t realize it was all just covers of those famous hair band songs by a barber shop quartet. I think it still worked.

Repeato repeato until we run out the clock.

Some PAX did goblet squats (didn’t do their goblin growl face) so I came by and yelled at them Camp Frisco-style. Monkey Nut had some colorful suggestions about where I could put my kettle bell.


Circle up for some PAX choice Mary (i.e., the Q is tired).


Count-a-rama: 5 respects, 3 hates, 13 mehs


It was a great first day to the Frisco Week of Terror(ible) Qs. Crimson is a big giant jerk face poopy ninny but he has a really hot wife so we like having him around on the off chance she might show up. (Let’s see if he actually reads my back blasts).

Great leading you HIMs. Make it a great day!

See also