Dawgpound Yoga

It had been a few weeks since YHC last did a Q in Carpex so YHC figured he would kill 2 birds with 1 stone and Q an AO that he had never Q’d either. PAX of 20 showed up for an old school South Wake inspired beatdown with a special guest - The Dawgpound (SW’s Kettlebell Master and Crazy Ivan Site Q)

Warm Up

YHC had a goal to keep things under a mile today. We did 1 quick short warm up lap and then circled up for the following:
Good Mornings 10 IC
Hillbillies 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Bat Wings (look it up in the exicon)
Merkins 20 OMD

The Thang

Everyone grabbed a bell and circled up for the following:
Gunslingers 10 each side
Love Handles 10 each side
Arm Thrusters 10 each side
Deadlifts 20
Swings 20
Repeat the warm up lap

This was done 2 more times

We then counted off by 3’s. 3’s grabbed a bell and we all headed over to the pull up bars. When we arrived the 1’s did AMRAP on the pull up bars, 2’s were on the Battle Ropes, and 3’s did Turkish Getups with a bell. We all rotated through each station once. The TG’s were the counters between rotations.

After we finished we gathered the bells and battle rope and headed over to the flag for Mary.


The Dawgpound graciously stepped up to introduce the PAX to several Mary exercises with the bell including WWIIs, and 1/2 way Turkish Getups. After these he took us through several yoga poses.


Odyssey is Saturday at SWW 0600 launch - get there by 0545
Pig Pickin at SWW 1600 same day - $5/plate $10/family

Quiver has two on site interviews for two different positions both at the same company.

YHC took us out.


We stayed well under 1 mile as planned. It was good to get back to a limited run KB workout. Lately there has been a ton of running both here and down at SW’s Crazy Ivan.

It was pointed out that our deadlifts looked more like T-Bags.

This site is on the verge of needing to split for a second KB workout. There is almost always 20 guys, week after week. Then again Wednesday mornings PAX in SE Cary need some special attention as well.

Consider this a soft announcement that YHC is again going to be on the move to another new town. This time it will be Raleigh, and it’s happening in early November. Wahoo will be taking over site Q duties starting next week.

See also