9/1/17 Dante's Peak Hill Repeats

11 Stallions including YHC met up in the gloom on a damp morning.  YHC needs to finalize his BRR training and since we are in the Peak of Good Living - we must do some hill repeats. -Warmup - jog over to the basketball court 30 SSH - and then 10 more and a result of some early mumble chatter 10 Good Mornings, some hillbillies, some mtn climbers and some calf stretches. -The Thang: Jog up to the top of the hill on Evans Rd next to the basketball court and do 10 merkins, jog down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard up the hill to the Bella Casa entrance and do 10 merkins, jog back down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard back up to the top of the hill next to the basketball court and do 10 merkins, jog down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard up the hill to the Bella Casa entrance and do 10 merkins, jog back down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard back up to the top of the hill next to the basketball court and do 10 merkins, jog down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard up the hill to the Bella Casa entrance and do 10 merkins, jog back down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard back up to the top of the hill next to the basketball court and do 10 merkins, jog down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats, run hard up the hill to the Bella Casa entrance and do 10 merkins, jog back down to the bottom of the hill where the crick turns back and do 20 squats.  Plank it out and wait on the six. Billy run to the top of the hill at the parking lot entrance.  Mosey back to picnic shelter for some Hotspot led stretching.  I was told by someone with one of them fancy watches that we did 2.9 miles!

COT - 11 Pax, Announcements - Labor Day convergence at Bond Park at 0700, Krypto and A-Team will be closed. 9/11 Stair climb at 0515 at gate 4 at Carter Finley, A-team closed, Krypto running a non-high-tempo workout 10/7 The Odyssey! 0600 at Bond Park!  You can do it!

Prayer Request’s - Beatle’s mother inlaw diagnosed with eye cancer - healing and peace for the family, Red Ryder’s daughter and a conflict with her Volleyball coach - for wisdom, Praise to Shut-in and His M for 10 year anniversary coming up and safe travels on their celebratory trip!

NMS: It was an honor to lead you men this morning.  It’s great to get out to the other side of town and catch up with everyone. It looks like we had a very nice distribution of PAX across 3 AO’s in Carpex! I hate I missed the casserole at SWW. Appropriate weather this  morning for launching Carpex’s newest AO - Slippery When Wet.

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