Dante's Peak and Valley

Start June 28, 2018

 Who: Sooey, Crimson, Thiesman, Prom King, Sour Mash, Rooney, Water Wings, Blue Print, Bogo, Squatter, Claven, Fourtran, Hotty Toddy, Go Blue, Parker, House, Liverpool, Frisco, Kubota,

 Lots of mumble chatter this morning, it seems Frisco (verbally disguised as Sooey) wanted an easy workout, well we had too much to do for easy, but it was fun. We had 21 guys this morning with one FNG. T-claps to Theisman for some EC pull ups before the workout and to Water wings with a new baby (Congratulations man).


Mosey to circle up

Good Mornings

Wind mills

Plank Jacks


The thang 

Mosey to hill in back of tennis courts – 7’s with diamond merkin at top, squat at bottom

 Partner up – catch me if you can for with 2 burpees to rock pile

 Mosey to Rock pile – pick a nice rock, same partners

Partner 1 – 20 curls, 20 tricep extension, 20 up right row

Partner 2 – Run to curl bar, 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 25 squats

Switch when partner 2 comes back

5 laps around the pond

 Billy run to bridge, lunge walk over bridge. Run at 75% back to flag

Circle up for some Mary

 Mary (In Cadence)

Freddy Mercurys x 20

WWIII sit ups x20

LBC”s x20

Merkins x 10

 Some EC for Crimson and me to run to top of the hill. I’m still thinking he should “Dukes of Hazzard” slide across Sooey’s hood when he stops at the stop sign. We will see what happens next time.


Pleasure leading this fine group this morning. Can’t have a good day without good mornings. Have an FNG who was killing it at the work out. Please welcome new F3 Snow Angel (Tim Shade). The hill climbs were very fun, minus the climbing part, and the descending part. The rocks were fun too, except for lifting them up. We announced the 1,776 workout on Wednesday and prayers for Disco’s M. Hope everyone has a great 4th celebration next week. It was a pleasure to work out and lead these gentleman this morning.