Danger Zone Hills with Pain Deck

Date: 3/6/2020

Warm-up: GM, daisy pickers, Sir Fazio, calf stretches with CFM and Eskimo merkins.

Thang 1

Hill work with pain cards in between

Spades - anvil

Hearts - hand release burpees

Diamonds - Merkins

Clubs - Steve Earls

Aces- PAX called ab exercise

Thang 2

Mosey over to the rock pile for some global warming and rock work.

Thang 3

Mosey to the soccer field for suicides.

Mosey to the flag for 150s and have a nice day.

COR: 10

NOR: 4 Respects, 6 mehs

Announcements: 3/21 Carpex Burgaw trip, 3/25 Mental Battle discussion in the gloom, TCP Sawgrass

Prayer / Praises


Mental Battle is real … don’t be afraid to reach out and speak to someone.

It is always a pleasure be in the gloom with you HIMs … #blessed

See also