Dadgum Construction

5 pax met up for another round of beatdown in DTC led by yours truly. Weather was hot, but certainly not unbearable at all. Even got to feel some nice breezes to boot. YHC had a plan together with some tempo that would work us and get some good sweat on. Only to find out at the start of the warm up that Town of Cary had some kind of something going on involving, among other things, a giant piece of plastic blocking the path of the first thang that was to take place. But thanks to a simple modification suggestion by Shut-In, the plan was back on track in no time.

Warm up:

  • Run around the police station building to the big fountain:
  • Good Morning
  • Hillbillies
  • SSH
  • M. Night Clubs
  • Mtn. Climbers
  • Calf Stretches

Thang 1:

Extended Dora: 150 Merkins, 250 Squats, 350 LBCs. For the laps, we ran a really long pickle…

Ended it with 6 Turkish Getups OYO.

Thang 2:

Indian Run all the way to the top of the parking deck.

Thang 3:

At the top of the deck we a routine consisting of 5 Calf Raises IC to 2 Burpees. Working the entire level of the deck, we got up to 20 Calf Raises and 6 Burpees.


  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Supermans
  • 100’s

We finished up by bringing back the tradition of putting our feet in the fountain.

Prayers/Praises: Prayers for Old Maid’s father with cancer. Special prayers for everyone healing and recovering including: Term Paper, BAB, Cataracts, and Chinese Downhill. I may be forgetting another one, not sure.

YHC took us out!

NMS: Want to have the sensation of submerging your feet in the fountain as well? Well, come on out next week!

See also