Dad Loves You - Now Do Those Freakin' Burpees!

Arrived at the flag at about 7:56 after a really good breakfast for dinner. You ever have breakfast for dinner? That is THE BEST. However, the ice cream sandwich after was prolly a little over the top, and YHC will regret that later.

Warm Up

Two laps around the pickle. Circle up for SSHs, Steve Earles, Sir Fazio arm circles, Runners stretch, calf stretch, merkins x 50

The Thang

Mosey to the end of the tennis courts. 11s on the infamous hill - CDDs on the tennis court side, and jump squats at the top of the hill by the speed bump. A little twist - ascending burpees in the middle.

Run out of time so PUT6, meet back by the tennis courts for merkins x 25. Mosey back to the flag.


A bunch of stuff I don’t remember, except Tang did NOT call Superman Bananas when called upon, and merkins x 25.


Strong representation of Hates and 2 Respects. Good to see some new faces. YHC took us out.


Yeah, that meal before the workout sat on the stomach like a rock. After the workout, Tang posted that this was like your dad kicking your ass, but you were ok with it because you knew you needed it. Dad loves you; be a little better today than you were yesterday son.

See also