DaC is back at home!

Date: 2/7/20

PAX: Meatloaf, Ashbury, Sega, Hansen, Mohawk, Badlands, Nature Boy, Snooze, WWW, Honeycomb, Silver Fox, Bubba, The Joker, The Commish, Orphan, Dr. Evil

Huge props and tclaps to I Pity the Fool for taking charge and met with his boss to discuss us using the AO. He was able to convince her of our mission and she was all for it … SUCCESS !!!

0530 … No FNG and Pledge of Allegiance done, we head out on a slow mosey up the hill to the second deck of the parking lot to warm-up before getting after it.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, Abe Vigoda, Sir Fazio, air presses, seal claps, and behind the back claps.

Now that we are warmed up, it’s time for the thang.

Thang: F3 Deck of Pain with mosey runs in between the stairwells.

I bought the F3 Deck of Pain and this was the first time I’ve used it. It is good because each card has a different exercise, so it makes it easy for the Q.

We went through several cards and did some distance. We continued until we had 3 mins left for a quick Mary and have a nice day.

CoR: 16

NoR: Respect (3), mehs (8), hates (5)

P&P: prayers for Cataracts and Ausfarht. Prayers forDisco’s M Kelly.


Kudos to I Pity the Fool for getting our AO back.

I am extremely blessed to be out in the gloom with my Brothers who are out to be better HIMs.

See also