Cycles of 3

5 Pax and 1 K9 Pax made it out to another great winter’s evening in downtown Cary.  Or, I guess you could say (un)winter, cause the weather was great and temperatures remained nicely in the 60s pretty much all day.  There may have even been a momentary thought of letting the routine of “feet in the fountain” make a return.  But that’s only for summer time for obvious reasons.  Plus, if this is what winter is going to be like, then we’re definitely going to need that routine when summer actually does arrive…

But I’m digressing, so, on to the workout.


We moseyed through the parking areas of the front lot then stopped to do:

Good Evening


Sir Fasio Arm Things (forward and reverse)

Seal Claps

Calf Stretches

Plank Jacks

Quick Feet

Thang 1:

We slowly made our way around the entire town hall complex by way of Indian run-Catch Me If You Can.  (3 cycles) With last Pax performing 5 Hand Release Merkins (cycle 1), 5 Heels to Heaven (cycle 2), and 10 Jump Lunges (cycle 3).  Each cycle was broken up with Turkish Getups, and Curb Dips.

Thang 2:

At the Cashpoints machine, we broke into two groups. Group 1 ran to the farthest parking area and did 5 burpees, while Group 2 did BTTW, then flapjack.  Round two: Group 1- ran to next closest lot, did 10 Pickle Pounders IC, Group 2- BTTW, flapjack.  Round three: Group 1- Ran through closest lot and did 20 Prisoner Squats, Group 2- Al Gore People’s Chair, Flapjack.

Thang 3:

We had 4 stations around our favorite grassy area.  S1- 10 Pullups and 10 Merkins. S2- Monkey Humpers. S3- LBCs. S4- Mtn. Climbers.  Station 1 was the control station, so when said pax was done at S1 everyone shifted stations till each one was visited by all.

Thang 4:

Wall to wall exercises. We went Dips, Bear Crawls, Box Jumps, Duck Walk Back.  Repeato with Derkins, Lunge Walk across, Irkins, Backward Lunge Walk back.


5 Burpees helped us transition into the Mary time:



American Hammers

Box Cutters

Freddy Mercs

Peter Parkers

J Lo’s


Have a Nice Day!


5 Pax: 2 Respect, 2 Meh, 1 Hate

FNG: Press On brought his pet boxer, or you could call him His fur 2.0, along for the workout.  He received the name, Briefs!

Announcements:  Tobacco Trail run, The Mule, and Burgaw all coming up soon.

Prayers/Praises:  For the little girl Hello Kitty posted about who passed away from Lupus, and for YHC’s dad and his back.

YHC took us out!  Great work Gents!

See also