Curing a Case of the Mondays

YHC was reminiscing a bit with some of the PAX who were around for the launch of the AO known as Hell’s Bells. Back in the day when this site was just barely beyond a twinkle in the eyes of Earhart & Monkey Nut, there were times when the site Qs posted only to do a 2 man workout. Back in the glory days when the gates at Apex Nature Park always opened well before 0530. Today the parking lot got busy quickly, with a whole slew of PAX there early to get in some EC pull-ups prior to the Main Event.

As 0530 arrived, there were a total of 24 including YHC gathered around the flag. Including a clown car Cary contingent. No FNGs, F3 Mission and mini-disclaimer given. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

Mosey around the parking lot in a foreshadowing of things to come. Circle up in front of the church entrance and Frisco shows up.

  • SSHs
  • Bring Frisco to the center of the circle to suck his thumb while everyone else completes 10 burpees OYO
  • Sir Fazio forward and back
  • Bring Crimson into the center to lead the PAX in Good Mornings
  • Plank Jacks
  • CF Merkins

The Thang

Pick a bell, any bell. Complete:

  • 10 Burpee jump overs
  • 20 Squat thrusters
  • 25 Curls
  • 30 Kettlebell swings
  • Run the pickle - stopping by the pullup bars for one set AMRAP (max 10)
  • Rinse and repeat. And repeat. And repeat.


American Hammers, LBCs, Freddie Mercs, all with the bell and ending in an odd number count to keep the PAX guessing. Have a nice day.


2 Hates, a buncha Respects, and a Kitty among the 25 total.

Remember the Mule in Raleigh as well as Orphan leading a team to Burgaw on March 21. Launch of F3 Whetstone program in Carpex. Praises for our brother Ausfarht making it out again today. YHC took us out.


  • This week’s workout brought to you by 2019 Ironpax week 3. I added the recovery mosey, and you’re welcome.
  • The fact there are 25 guys posting at Hell’s Bells is AMAZING. Problematic, but a good problem to have.
  • Tclaps for the site Qs here for leading the charge to make sure we have enough bells and coupons for everyone.
  • Speaking of Tclaps - Camp Bros. coffee is ON POINT!
  • Today’s playlist was left over from last week’s Day Before Valentine’s Day workout. I didn’t get to play nearly all of it, so that’s why it showed up today. Love is still in the air.
  • Every day, each of us gets to decide. How much effort do I want to give? How hard do I push? Am I going to stick with the same routine, or will I disrupt that routine in order to get better? The PAX today got to decide - how hard do I push this workout? How many pull-ups am I going to do? Will I get to know one of my brothers a little better along the way? Do I see anyone who needs an assist? Take advantage of the opportunities you have to ACCELERATE!
  • MIAGD!!!

See also