CSAUP Sneak Preview

4 PAX arrived at the Rush Hour flagpole for a pre-CSAUP beatdown.

Warm up - Mosey to the field next to the parking deck for side straddle hops, good afternoons, imperial walkers, Sir Fazio arm circles (forward and reverse) and burpees.

Mosey to Academy Street and head towards FUMC, with stops along the way for LBCs and dying cock-a-roaches.

Thang 1 - Route 66, run from FUMC to the big fountain, stopping at each light pole for merkins, 1 at the first pole, 2 at the second pole, up to 11 at the last pole (if YHC counted correctly) for a total of 66.

Thang 2 - Trial run for the fountain portion of the upcoming CSAUP.  The PAX are sworn to secrecy, so no spoilers.

Thang 3 - Route 66 in the other direction, this time with American hammers.

Mary - Mosey back to the pocket park for a round of Mary, each PAX calling an exercise, we did Freddie Mercurys, dying cock-a-roaches, Catlina whine makers (if you’ve ever posted with Pet Sounds you know he called it), boat-canoe and burpees.

COT - Feet in the fountain for announcements (CSAUP just four days away, Krispy Kreme Challenge registration is open) and prayer requests (peace and comfort for Aristocrat and the other friends and family of his friend who passed away recently, all of the people affected by the tragedy in Las Vegas, blessings for Kermit during his job search).  YHC took us out.

NMS - The best part of the workout happened while we waited for the light to cross Chatham on the way back.  While we were waiting Pet Sounds called Monkey Humpers, and when we finished a possibly inebriated woman rolled down her window to thank us for the show.  She entertained us even more than we entertained her.

Thanks for letting me lead tonight, men.

See also