Crunch Time, Boo Yah

Crunch Time, Boo Yah

February 6, 2018

AO: Rush Hour

Q: Banjo

Pax:  Aristocrat, Disco Duck, Mojo, Ollie, YHC Banjo

During morning mosey to school with youngest 2.0, I was reminded that M will be picking up 2.0 from school. With some new found free time, my cooking dinner responsibilities were last night, YHC pondered ever so briefly on the prospects: post at Rush Hour or Q Rush Hour. Perfect. YHC had a planned scheduled stop at Peak Olive Oil in DTC anyway to drop off checks for my 2.1s mission trip to Bosnia.


With the recent passing of the Eastern #octothreataclipse,

YHC was thinking of the recovery efforts and all the hard work that will go into preparing these men for the next #octothreat. Survival, a preparedness for the mind body and spirit. Following a YOGI primer, “slow and controlled with purpose" we prepared.



Mojo, Ollie’s 2.0 lead us with Pledge of Allegiance.


YHC shared the disclaimer, which may or may not meet NANtan call approval.


Brief explanation of some of today’s activities.

  1.       All MERKINS called will be Ranger Hand Release Shoulder Crunch Merkins.
  2.       All BURPEES will be Hand Release Shoulder Crunch Burpees.
  3.       All SQUATS will be, toes up, back straight hinge at the hip, low as you can go, slow, arms up shoulder crunch squat.


Mosey to the Depot for warm-up with stops on the way for burpees. Warmup: Burpees, imperial walker, SIR Fazio arm circles, mountain climber, more burpees.


Jog over to the bus stop for some pull-ups [occupied], mosey to the parking deck with stops on the way for burpees.


Grab a pain stick.

  1.       Ladder with pain stick, jog stairs to 1st floor then back, 2nd floor then back, 3rd floor then back
  2.      Top: 5 burpees
  3.      Bottom: 10 merkins
  4.       Squats waiting on the 6.


  1.       Assorted planks all on pain stick, back straight
  2.       Regular
  3.      Right foot up
  4.       Left foot up
  5.      Ranger planks [hands below waist]
  6.      Repeat


  1.       Return pain sticks.


Mosey back to the flag for Mary speed round: crab jacks-Ollie, WWII-Aristocrat, Dying cockroach-Disco Duck, LBC-Mojo, Windshield Wiper-YHC




Announcements: No Rush Hour next Tuesday, February 13th converge at Healing Transitions. OCRRC is hosting a block party 3 mile loop through Dorthea Dix @6pm.

Join YHC and Franklin for a TriQ with F3 Raleigh’s My Boy Blue at Ambassador February 17.

F3 Chatham’s THE GAMBLER Saturday March 3.

F3 Raleigh’s THE MULE Saturday March 10.


Prayer concerns: Disco Duck and his wife Kelly – prayers for healing and patience. Aristocrat and loss of family friend. YHC’s oldest daughter turning 22 and celebrating in Rome. Grease Monkeys mom


Praises: Open Out and birth of healthy 7lb 9 oz F3 2.0 Brooks.


OTHER: Crotch Rocket From CLT will be in town Tuesday and Wednesday next week and wants to talk to us about helping with the LEAP to Washington DC. Meeting over beers Tuesday evening 6:30 at The Pharmacy in DTC for anyone interested in learning more. Then CR will post at SNS with us Wednesday morning.

YHC took us out with reflections on a good life lived, filled with patience, wisdom, grace, shared experiences and creating impactful memories.

See also