Crowdsourcing Fail

You may have noticed yesterday that YHC began taking requests for this morning’s workout.  And you may have seen a couple of our brethren putting some requests in.  What you wouldn’t have seen is almost any of those requestors actually post at A-Team this morning.  Instead, they either fartsacked, or Q’d at other sites.  To you, fine gentlemen, know that the PAX loquaciously besmirched your name.

YHC, on the other hand, just did exactly as he said.  And so with gloves YHC delivered an all-request smackdown:

Warmup: Jog in, backwards run, high knees, butt kickers, Merkins (22, to be exact, so as to cover the Hokies’ spread), imperial walkers, 20 burpees

Thang: 11s up the power line hill (as in all the way up the power line hill) with burpees at the top and burpees at the bottom.  Audible at rep #9 (niiiiiiiinnnnne) for time sake, saunter to the parking lot, finish out with 22 burpees.

NMS: We didn’t quite get to 200 Riptide, but it’s the thought that counts. Whatever kind of bourbon and jerky Ma Bell consumed while living in the woods this weekend came out of him this morning.  Yogi. That pretty much sums it up.  Burt wore just the most fabulous women’s VT cycling shirt I have ever seen. It did speed him up, however, as he dominated in 11s.  Prayers go up to the Shore who lost his son Nathan this weekend.  Hug and kiss your loved ones, men.  Life is delicate and precious.

YHC out.

See also