Crosswalk to Crosswalk

23 in total for YHC’s first crack at Lion’s Den. With some Google Satellite the night before a plan was made.

There were some EC runners, some twins in the same shirts, some yoga pants, and a flag. It’s go time!

0530 - Disclaimer and Pledge

Warmup lap threw off Franklin so much he quit and waited for the pax to circle the loop and come back. Then YHC went vanilla #shutinsignaturewarmup: GMs, HBs, Merkins, SSHs

Another diclaimer was given that we were leaving the campus and heading for residential. Keep the MC flowing, but do it quietly…or in your head for a the Q cares…

Thang 1: The circle

It’s 4 corners but three stops and on a circle. Got it?
- Do 25 standard merkins, run a 1/4 lap, do 25 squats, run a 1/4 lap, 25 overhead claps, and finish the lap. When you get back partner up with the guy who finished with you.

Sidenote: The reason for doing this goes back to Dredds post yesterday regarding “cheating yourself” – cutting reps and exercises short to ensure you’re not the 6. YHC was hoping by partnering with who you finished with you would be at the same pace and wouldn’t need to cheat yourself.

Thang 2: Crosswalk to crosswalk

Starting at the top of the hill crosswalk P1 does 5 burpees / P2 does AMRAP V-Ups then flapjack. When both complete their 5 burpees run to the next road intersection and repeato. Do this until you reach the crosswalk at the bottom of the hill. When done correctly there are 5 stops along the way down and 5 on the way back up. When you finish go back to Thang 1 and do a lap.

Monkey Nut and YHC worked hard on this Thang and somehow ended up being the six. YHC wasn’t buying it so he audited some pax. Most seemed to be telling the truth. Good job fellas, way to push!

Apparently YHC wasn’t clear or Pax weren’t listening but soon the repeating of Thang 1 turned in to guys doing mary. YHC takes full responsibility for the miscommunication…but doesn’t mean the next thang isn’t going to be harder now as punishment.

Thang 3: 7s and then 7s

Planned for just 1 set of 7s but time alotted for 2. Lucky us!!

7s with: Monkey Humpers and Burt Jacks
7s with: Prisoner Squats and Knee Tucks

Recover recover recover - 0615.


  • I had the same shirt on as Frisco, it was embarassing.
  • Duck and Franklin had the same shirts. They hugged.
  • Big crowd today! Even across Carpex, about 82 pax!!!!!
  • Hello Kitty made the trek, I see you.
  • Sub was the guy to beat on the 7s. Boston Qualifier gave it a go but I don’t think he made it. Sorry BQ, can’t be amazing at everything!
  • Wool E Bear made his second appearance of the week as fng. Strong work bro!
  • Sooey wore gloves. The dude is getting close. May is gonna be great having him back in the middle of the suck.
  • This will also prevent guys from conveniently walking with him when things get a little tougher at the workout. #trashtalk
  • Speaking of #trashtalk. I like to do that when I Q. Hope ya’ll can take it. I yell, I tell you to work harder, I aggressively coach, and I have a lot of fun with it. #noapologies
  • Great COT, great weather, great brothers to sweat it out with. Thanks bros!

Shutty, out.

See also