Crossover AO Beta 2

8 PAX came out to Jack Smith park this morning. 4 were from Carpex, and 4 were from South Wake. Our mission: to explore the area for workout feasibility with an overall goal to establish a “Crossover AO” where PAX from both South Wake and Carpex can post on a weekly reoccurring basis and the Q from each region rotates weekly.

Due to the nature of this expedition there was no main QIC today. We started with Disco Duck for warmups and then another PAX would step in as Q and take us on a journey ad-hoc to do something else.

**Warm Up
**In the main lot where we planted the flag Disco Duck led us through the following exercises:

Good Mornings ICx5
“Cherry” Pickers ICx10
Hillbillies ICx10

The Thang
Slide Rule took us into the playground. We split into two groups. One group did one legged crawl bears while the other did pull ups. Flapjack. Repeato.

Then Earhardt noticed a nice wall ledge typically used for sitting. There we did the following:
Earkins, Derkins, Dips, L/R Step Ups
Run a lap around the playground, repeato.

Then Pet Sounds took us for a long run out of the park, across Penny Rd, and into a super fancy neighborhood where Quiver lives ;)
At the entrance to said fancy neighborhood we found some super soft nice Bermuda grass where we did Catalina Wine Makers.
We then ran towards what we thought was a clubhouse but was really just another nice house. Turning around, we ran down a hill and deeper into the neighborhood to the end of a cul-de-sac.

After we arrived, Steamboat led us through 10 Squat Jumps.
Then YHC offered up 10 Turkish Getups OYO.

Slide Rule then ran us backwards out of the neighborhood and back into the park.

When we reached the park we ran around a paved trail around the perimeter of the park past some fake sheep. Some ideas were tossed around on what to do with the sheep. We then came upon a rock pile. Everyone grabbed a rock and Earhardt led us through:
Curls for the girls
Tricep Extensions
Overhead Presses
Rut Rows
Rock Your Body

Placing the rocks back Wiggly led us up the hill to a climbing rock wall where we did BTTW with some shoulder taps and Australian Mountain Climbers mixed in.

After that Disco Duck led us into the main parking lot again where we did sprints between light poles.

Finally YHC led us over to the flag for Mary.

Boat Canoes
Windshield Wipers
Homer to Marge
American Hammers ICx25


SUP Workout Sat August 3rd
Event for F3 South Wake · Banana Seat
Saturday at 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Crosswinds Boating Center
565 Farrington Rd, Apex, North Carolina 27523

Breathtaker Auction is Friday at Cletus COT in Womble Park. This is the time where the next monthly charity is picked.

YHC took us out. Prayers for Azul and Disco Duck’s friend dealing with Cancer, also Theisman and his M Pandora who both recently lost their mother, and last but not least Quiver’s coworker who passed away suddenly.

Overall I think this site will work as an AO. There was plenty of options for things to do. Also, the location seems to work as well. The concern is buy-in from the PAX from both sides but more particularly South Wake since they just started a new Wednesday AO a few weeks back.

There were a lot of reminders as to why this Crossover AO is a good idea during the workout today.
-PAX get to see exercises that are new to them because they are from another region
-PAX get to see PAX from another region they don’t typically get to see or work out with
-Whether or not to 3 count down and up on a Good Morning or Clap on a Burpee

Personally I truly hope this whole thing comes together in the end. Look for more info soon to come on when and if we do a soft launch.


See also