Crimson Cousins

A few days ago Crimson messaged YHC to let me know he was bringing his brother the Crossfitter and his two strapping young sons to Rush Hour this week.  I major beatdown was requested, here’s what YHC provided.


Hustle over to the parking lot next to the train tracks for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, merkins, plank jacks and burpees (Rush Hour: Home of the Warm-Up Burpees)

The Thang

Hustle over to the sidewalk along Academy Street and run towards 54, with five merkins at the first light pole and increasing by one at each lightpole until we reach the intersection.  Safely cross Academy and run in the other direction, replacing merkins with squat jumps.

Hustle over to the bottom of the parking lot behind the Chamber of Commerce for sevens, with burpees at the top and star jumps at the bottom.

Hustle over to the pocket park.  Bear crawl to the other side for ten derkins, bear crawl back for ten box jumps.  Lunge walk to the other side for fifteen dips, lunge walk back for fifteen ALRSUs.  Bear crawl to the other side for ten derkins, bear crawl back for ten box jumps.


Elbow planks with a 15 count around the horn, LBCs, Freddy Mercurys, American hammers, dying cock-a-roaches, ten burpees OYO


Count-a-rama: 8 Name-a-rama: 2 RESPECTS,  3 mehs, 3 HATES Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Wilbur, prayers for those who are travelling this week, prayers for those who are lonely this week. BOM: YHC took us out


YHC was excited to come up with a workout that would challenge Crimson’s family.  I delivered the major beatdown as requested, but the Crimson family should be proud, they all handled it with toughness and determination.  I look forward to seeing them out in the gloom with us again.

See also