Crazy(ish) Phoenix Breakaway Limited Run/Walk Extravaganza - 6/9/18

Sorry for a late backblast but I wanted to piggy-back off the original title. Here is the B.B. for the limited run/walk extravaganza breakaway led by YHC while the other 20 HIMs head out with @Hello Kitty after the warm-ups. Kitty was right. YHC led the mosey (limited run) back to the starting point to pick up some coupons (kettle bells) that @EarharT left behind for us … thanks EarharT for the suggestion earlier in the week. I wanted to get back to the starting point quickly because EarharT’s trunk was wide open. I did not want to give anyone any ideas of a free-for-all. Kitty left me a pain stick to use but when I picked it up, my mind said, “HELL TO THE NO!”. I left it where it laid.

Objective for the morning was to ensure we got a good beatdown even if it was limited run/walk. I hoped I would not disappoint.

As we got our KB, I mentioned to the pax to choose a traveling KB as we headed out to our starting point. There are 25 light poles (pain stations) that lined the beatdown route. Yes, we carried our KB all the way around hitting each pain station (1-arm farmer’s carry) alternating arms at each station.

Thang 1 (10 light poles) Merkins x10 LBC x10

Thang 2 (10 light poles) KB overhead presses x10 Low-slow flutters 4-count x10

Thang 3 (5 light poles) Burpees x7

YHC led the pax back to drop off the KBs. Now we are ready for thang 4 which was inchworm to heaven with a deconstructed burpee. Demonstration: we lined up at the end of the parking lot, we would inchworm our way to the merkin position, do a merkin, and then bounce up to complete the burpee and repeato between each parking line. I didn’t realize how brutal it would be and I wanted to modify badly but didn’t because my crazy-ass called it. There were 14 parking lines. @Disco Duck tried to stretch it out to minimize the distance but it didn’t work. I thought about it but me being height challenged, there was no way of being successful. It takes about two inchworms between each line and in my mind it took forever. I was darn happy for it to be done because it sucked!

After the inchworm suckage, we did some Mary (2 sets) until the rest of the HIMs made it back to the starting point. Ollie called LBCs. YHC called boat/canoe.

NMS The reason for the pre-blast on the #1stF channel announcing the workout was by request from Sooey while we were at Hells Bells because he had a back issue and could not run. I gladly accepted. I thought about what to do all week and I wanted to keep it true to my first F3 post with Ollie as the Q. It was my first introduction to the light poles. It sucked then and it continues to suck now but it is all worth it.

@Sooey it was a pleasure to lead us during the workout. Thank you Disco Duck and Ollie for letting me lead you.

I’m glad your back is feeling better Sooey.

See also