
Monday night, the un-word “covfefe” was introduced to the world. “What does it mean?” asked the world. Spicey says he knows what it means. OK, Sean, whatever you say bruh. Well, 16 top gun flight commanders cracked the code here at Danger Zone. As 13 of us stretched and exchanged pleasantries, 0545 struck. 3 more PAX came tires a’squealin into the parking lot about that time. Sorry boys, we start on time here in CarPex. They’ll catch up. Let’s go…


Jog around the pickle back to the top and circle up for..wait, Burt is carrying a latex glove that he found on the run; I’m moving to the other side of the circle now…for:

  • 10 x GM IC
  • 40 x Merkins IC
  • 12 Merkins IC
  • 10 x O/H Hand Claps IC
  • 5 x forward/revers Arm Circles IC

The Thang

Jog down into the bowels of North Cary Park, stopping along the way at several points to crack the #covfefe code:

1st Stop Captain Therkins (look it up) - we made it up to 8 before we had to continue on our deciphering journey

2nd Stop One-legged Burpees - 5+2 on each leg OYO. [there’s another hidden code right there]

3rd Stop V-up Roll-Ups x 20 IC. We also finished up the Captain Therkins with sets 9 and 10. Whole lot of mumblechatter about cysts and sech.

4th Stop Flutter Kicks x 60. The PAX was mentally prepared to  stop at 52. 60 broke their spirit. Only the mentally tough may proceed to the next phase

5th Stop Escalators - 10 burpees; 20 Jump-Ups; 30 Merkins; 40 Squats; 50 Lunge Walks up the hill. Finish the set with a bear crawl up to the intersection

6th Stop Fingertip Merkins x 10 IC. That hurt

7th Stop Elevens. The final phase of deciphering the code ended in a set of 11s on the basketball court - Merkins on one end, Star Jumps on the other.

By this point, the sun was rising, and we celebrated as the covfefe code was finally cracked. But don’t celebrate too long. We still have time for some Mary

  • 10 x Box Cutters IC
  • 15 x Rosalitas IC
  • 30 x Merkins IC

COT Count-o-rama: 16 Name-o-rama: Mehs and Respects; no Hates Announcements - Convergence at Pullen tomorrow at 0630. No Phoenix. The only acceptable alternatives are Whiplash, The Gear, or death. HH tonight somewhere at some time. Neither of the 2nd F Qs will be there. Nice. Pay attention to the Twittosphere and GroupMeosphere for details. Prayers - McCants’ former foster child Micah; Saban’s father-in-law; Chinese Downhill’s mother BOM: YHC took us out


  • Oh boy, so much to say here
  • #covfefe beeches!
  • Take that Spicey; we know what it means too!
  • Admit it, you don’t know what it means. It was just a typo by some millenial who can’t put his phone down for a minute, er, I mean our President
  • Be afraid when Burt is snapping on a latex glove.You’ll want to keep him in front of you at all times
  • I think that’s just good advice in general
  • Why is Burt picking up a latex glove off the ground? You don’t know where that thing has been
  • Angry Goose was honking today.
  • That, groans, and silence are how you know the PAX is working hard
  • Un-joke of the day: “Ma Bell, aren’t you supposed to be Qing at DP today?” Hardy Har Har
  • By my count, we did 217 Merkins, not including the Burpees
  • Welcome back from IR, Skerelli!
  • I hope I spelled that skorrectly
  • Maybe #skorrectly will trend on Twitter
  • Great group today. It was my honor to lead you mean. Thanks for working hard and allowing me to lead.

See also