Coupon Crushing Turtle Power

Limited running but lots of muscle flexing, cinder block crushing, turtle power. It was like Tortoise heaven this morning for three regular PAX and one FNG, now known as “Artful.”


20 x SSH; 20 x plank jacks; 20 x mountain climbers; 20 merkins

Thang 1:

Each man grabbed a cinder block to one end of the parking lot. We divided into two groups with each group responsible for 80 erkins on the block, 100 curls, and 120 rock rows. While one man worked on the reps, the other held the cinder block above his head and walked the length of the parking lot, then did a burpee with the block, a/k/a “blockee” and then returned to trade spots with the man doing reps.

After the fun with cinder blocks, we moseyed over to the brick wall for balls to the wall, each man counting to ten.

Thang 2:

Set of 11’s = big boy sit ups on one end of the parking lot, bear crawl to the other side for dying cock-roaches and then lunge walk back.

After this set of 11’s, we did another round of balls to the wall, then moseyed over to the picnic tables and pull up bars (this is Tortoises, so we have to use the pull up bars). Did two sets of five pull ups with step ups in between.

Last, we returned the cinder blocks and did a few Mary exercises: WWII’s (in honor of Yogi), box cutters, American hammers. Then, 5 burpees OYO (because we have to do burpees at Tortoises) and we were out of time.

Announcement: Convergence on January 1st at A-Team.

COT: Prayers for Spartan’s M recovering from surgery; safe travels for everyone on the move this holiday season; prayer for a friend of Yogi’s named Tony who is battling prostate cancer.

NMS: Welcome new PAX member “Artful” (Jake Martin) who is a 17 year old that attends SGC where Tortoises meets. Jake has performed in many dramatic presentations including playing the “Artful Dodger” in Oliver Twist. He was almost named Dodger, but Artful seemed a more well-rounded description of his talents.

See also