Counting is Overrated.

AO-Rush Hour

2 PAX EC run with stairs, 1 PAX Ruck EC. 2 Minute Warning; Welcome; My modified Disclaimer (; Core Beliefs; Mission Statement; Pledge. No FNG’s.

  • Warm Up:

    • Mosey around Town of Cary Campus:  

    • SSH & Good Evenings Nice and slow. Mosey.

    • Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch. Mosey

    • Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps. First time I lost track of the count

  • Thang 1Blockorama  Block Taylor Webbs

    • Blocks from FRED
    • Block Taylor Webbs: 1 squat; 1 L/R lunge walk; 1 upright row; 1 overhead press.  Working our way up the parking deck. Add one as we work our way up the deck. Made it to 12, well actually 11 because somehow I missed doing 5. Second time I lost track of the count. Trying to mumblechatter and count is difficult for this Respect.
    • Mosey with the block to the top of the deck. Down the stairs back to the flag poles.
  • Thang 2: Colonel Trautman, modified

    • Mosey to brick ramp walkway.  
    • Colonel Trautman: Pair up and one partner runs to the pull up spot by the lower fountain (using the I-beams from the walkway) and do 3 pull ups while the other partner does 10 regular Merkins then hold Chillcutt for their partner to tell them to go and do their pull ups. Repeat with 15 Merkins. Repeat 2 X’s with 10 Pole Dancers instead of Merkins
  • Mary: On the grass by the 2-piece horse.

  • E2K

  • Hello Dolly. Third time I lost track of the count. There are probably more, but I’ll own 3.

  • Flutter kick low & slow

  • Peter Parker’s

  • Have a Nice Day


  • Count off, Name-o-rama: 10 total, Good mix of ages; 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60
  • Announcements:   Duck Donut Dash
  • Prayers/Praises: My MiL that has moved to Assisted Living. All unspoken

Ball of Man/Take a Knee:  Appreciative to lead this group of men. We get stronger as a group. We did get better tonight.

See also