Copperhead vs Water Snake

Fresh off my triumph return from the South Wake Fritter Challenge, and conquering their Kettlebell workout, Crazy Ivan, I decided to “borrow” some of the workout and bring it with me to Hell’s Bells.

YHC & Chanticleer (Yes, you read that right) for a little 3 mile EC with bathroom break.

Kettlebells were chosen, a circle was formed, and the workout began.

**Warm Up
**Good Morning, Windmill, Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, SSH, Steve Earle

**Kettlebell Warm up
**Around the body (or Slingshot), Halo, Bob & Weave, Side Bends

**The Thang
**20 Kettlebell Swings. Run to Amphitheater, 1/2 do BTTW; 1/2 do 10IC LBCs (Flap Jack). Run back to circle.

20 Kettlebell Swings. 20 Figure 8s. Run to pull up bars, 1/2 do Pull Ups; 1/2 do 10IC Merkins (Flap Jack). Run back to circle.

20 Kettlebell Swings. 20 Figure 8s. 20 Curls/20 Shoulder Presses/20 Overhead Tricep Presses. Run to amphitheater, 1/2 do BTTW; 1/2 do 10IC LBCs (Flap Jack). Run back to circle.

20 Kettlebell Swings. 20 Figure 8s. 20 Curls/20 Shoulder Presses/20 Overhead Tricep Presses. 20 Single Leg Deadlift Row. Run to pull up bars, 1/2 do Pull Ups; 1/2 do 10IC Merkins (Flap Jack). Run back to circle.

20 Kettlebell Swings. 20 Figure 8s. 20 Curls/20 Shoulder Presses/20 Overhead Tricep Presses. 20 Single Leg Deadlift Row. 20 Clean & Jerk. Run to amphitheater, 1/2 do BTTW; 1/2 do 10IC LBCs (Flap Jack) Run to pull up bars, 1/2 do Pull Ups; 1/2 do 10IC Merkins (Flap Jack). Run back to circle.

On our run from the amphitheater to the pull up bars is when we noticed the snake. A hearty discussion on the type of snake then took place. However I kept thinking that just moments ago, in the dark, we were doing Merkins not far from where our friend was just spotted. Yikes!

**Turkish Get Ups, 100s

Memorial Day Convergence coming up
Chinese Downhill’s IT band recovery

YHC took us out with a quote from Winston Churchill

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 


See also