Confusing Relay Races


EC: Sub, Peeping Tom, UTI, GTL, Squatter

Peeping Tom made a call out last week for someone to sub in since he is still technically on the mend.  YHC is working on increasing his bootcamp Qs.  2 years in and I can’t tell you how many I have under my belt but it’s definitely not many.  Turning over a new leaf in my 3rd year of F3 and making sure to jump on these leadership opportunities.  Onward to the region with all the sun blotting!

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

We began with 40 SSH and 15 Windmills

As expected, mumblechatter started early and strong.  Not surprisingly, Lipstick was fitting right in and feeding into it.  Always a troublemaker.  10 Burpees OYO called to quiet the chatter.

Quick-ish count-off, YHC called 15 – Shut-in corrected at 16.  Internal monologue (ooh 16, better, even number).  Called out for the PAX to break into groups of 4 and start Indian runs.  We moved from the skate park and went around the sports complex.  A roughly ~0.5 mile loop based on the Google Maps investigation I did the night before.  We stopped the Indian run about half way around and did some quick feet up the first length of curb we came across on the other side of the baseball diamond.

Completing the curb, we mozy’d back to the skate park.

The Workout:

YHC set-up in a plank hold as the PAX assembled and called out to Sub to pick 4 PAX as the captains.  The captains stood as the rest of us held plank and waited to be selected to teams.

The workout was explained:

4 stations at the top, bottom, left, and right of the sports complex (the ~0.5 mile loop I wrote about before).  The top is arms, the left is abs, the bottom is legs, and the right is the start/finish line.  Each team has 4 PAX and each team member starts at one of the 4 stations.  Top, left and bottom perform continuous reps of a workout (any workout) that fits the prescribed body zone.  The workout is called out and shared between the 4 teams at each station.  The PAX at the start/finish line kick things off, sprinting to the top station.  10 reps are shared between the teammates exchanging the baton and the next PAX sprints to the next station.

The relay continues until each PAX gets a turn at each station.  Once complete, the same PAX that kicked it all off continued around the circuit collecting each group along the way and joining in for a 10 count of the workout at each station.

There was chalk at the start/stop to keep score of the 4 relay races completed.  I believe Team 1 may have been the winningest team but YHC is pretty much a millennial and I opted to give everyone a trophy.  In the end, the goal was to make the race semi-competitive and encourage folks to push themselves on the sprints, encourage each other to keep the reps flowing at each station.


Pickle Pounders, 20 Leg Lifts, 12 Freddie Mercs, 12 Homer to Marge, 20 Diamond Merkins (Lipstick ending strong with Breathtaker), Have a nice day

Thanks again for having me Carpex and putting up with my shuffled COT this morning.


  • Shut-In reminded PAX of the school supply drive.  Good response so far but keep pushing.
  • South Wake still pushing for big numbers for Meg’s smile
  • Check the Slack for more intel and other announcements.

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • PT for asking me out to Carpex for a Q.


  • Sherri, coworker of PAX, her mom died suddenly

See also