Coming in Hot

Numbers always start declining a bit once the temps dip down, and the last couple weeks have been no exception. However, YHC had pre-blasted that we’d stay warm at Dazed and Confused today, despite a reading of 25 on the Steve. So, at 05:28 there are 16 PAX bouncing around - maybe in anticipation, maybe just trying to stay warm. At 05:29, YHC’s long awaited FNG rolls in on 2 wheels, having already been warned that we don’t tolerate being tardy. Then, at exactly 05:30, we Pledge Allegiance, give a short disclaimer and recite the F3 Mission, and begin to mosey to the starting point for the day. At 05:32, two lone EC runners join us as we head to the top of the parking deck.

Warm Up

Circle up at the top of the deck for SSHs, 10 reward burpees OYO, Sir Fazio, Seal Claps, Steve Earles, Plank Jacks, and CFMs.

The Thang

Mosey down the sidewalk to the other side of AHS campus to the bus and employee parking lot. Do a bit of a modified Cooper-ish workout - run 1 lap around the pickle (348 meters each per Google maps), stop and do 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 monkey humpers. Run a lap, then do 9 of each. Rinse and repeat all the way down to 1.

When we get to about 4, the frequency of staff arriving to the parking lot is increasing so we audible and relocate. For intermission, we do a round of BTTW (or y’all) 10 count down the line. Then mosey back to the top of the parking deck to finish our Cooper-ish thang. Once complete mosey back to the flag.


Captain Thor, up to 8:32 when the clock strikes 0615


19 total, with a few Hates thanks primarily to the Meat Loaf klan, some Respects and a bunch more Mehs. Welcome FNG MySpace.

Continue prayers for How How’s family, as well as our JoCo F3 brother Sargent Pepper who is hospitalized following a heart attack during a workout. YHC took us out.


  • 3.18 miles per my Strava, a new DAC record
  • MySpace was leaving shortly after the workout to head back to NJ - there’s some F3 up there near him in Princeton that hopefully he can get plugged in to
  • Strong group out this morning, and we did have a 10 count despite some rumors that this was high tempo
  • PAX of 2 for Bojangles afterward
  • MIAGD! and be a little better than you were yesterday. Rinse and repeat

See also