Coming Home and a Whole Bunch of Nickels


When Respect Week was announced, I immediately signed up to Q BO. You see, BO was where YHC’s first post occurred and where Ma Bell was born. Make no mistake: the couple of other so-called Ma Bells across F3 Nation are but impostors. There is only one Ma Bell. But I digress. Anyway, it is for this reason, as well as the fact that this is the best AO in CarPex in terms of variety and history, that I have an emotional attachment here. Saban - who was also named that fateful day 6 years ago - and I were supposed to do a co-Q for our 6 year anniversaries but were robbed of that opportunity due to the rona. So today was my homecoming of sorts.

And ironically, the word “home” was mentioned today by Term Paper. Indeed it is, Tango. Indeed it is.


At the precise moment 0545 Eastern Standard Time struck, YHC made sure there were no FNGs, said a half-ass F3 mission statement, and headed off. At THAT precise moment, someone yelled “Car!” Off we went anyway. Simmer down, I made sure someone circled back to wait for aforementioned latecomer. Newly-paved Waldo to Walker to East Street, back up Academy and across Chatham to the traditional BO warm-up circle at the Bank. What we did there:

  • Wait for the 6 (kind of)
  • 20 x SSH
  • 55 (first double nickels) x Standard Merkins - any pretense that this was going to be an easy workout was dispelled
  • Some other warm-up exercise that pails in comparison to Merkins. Lunges I think it was.

The Thangs

From the bank, off we went up Academy to the little people statues for some little man JJs (aka Burt-Jacks) then on up and across the front of the Herb Young CC and over to the OG parking deck.

First thang - Run up the parking deck, stopping for 5 burpees at each of the 5 turns, ending at the bottom of the final ramp to the top. Second double nickels.

Second thang - Triple Nickels - 5 WW Merkins at the top, 5 Star Jumps at the bottom. Do it 5 x. Third set of nickels.

Third thang - Run back down the ramp, stopping at 5 corners for 5 burpees at each. Fourth and last set of nickels.

Fourth thang - Mosey across the street to the pocket park behind town hall for a set of 20 ALRSUs, Irkins, Dips, and Derkins. Mosey over to the hidden pocket park for another set of 20 ALRSUs, Irkins, Dips, and Derkins. Mosey (among calls to “check the time;” simmer down, not my first rodeo) back to the other pocket park for 20 Box Jumps OYO.

Jog back to the Academy/Waldo intersection and line up for a Billy Run to the flag.


  • Happy Gilmore called a Mary exercise
  • Joe Smith called a Mary exercise
  • Callie introduced some new Dolly material
  • Ollie brought us home with 5 burpees


  • Count-a-rama: 11 (5 RESEPECTS, 6 mehs)
  • Name-a-rama: see tags
  • Announcements: Thanksgiving at BO begins at 0630. Stay tuned for other AO Thanksgiving plans. There will be a menu of choices. No super-spreader convergence.
  • Prayers/Praises: Kwik Stop’s job situation, Disco Duck’s MIL, Banjo’s daughter, unspoken many.
  • Virtual BOM: YHC took us out in prayer


  • Callie cussed when I called WW Merkins. Apparently that’s been a thing this week. Probably more in honor of BaB than Respect Week
  • It’s fun being 55. The workouts practically plan themselves. Next year will be a challenge
  • Without naming names, the latecomer rhymes with Bo Myth. That’s all I’ll say.
  • Latecomer excuse: “you see, what had happened was, I had to use a credit card to scrape the windshield.” My advice rhymes with Mit Fetter.
  • Burt solicited (and received) a honk from a big truck at the Chatham/Academy intersection. Second time I’ve seen him do that. Classic Burt.
  • 59 years old and still doing the horn thing at truck drivers. It never gets old. Like farting.
  • I still maintain the champion of the usage of the word ‘aforementioned’ in backblasts. I think it’s on Strava. Look it up.
  • Term Paper mentioned that BO was like coming home. It is my church home, my adopted home town, and my F3 home. I want to thank Banjo for pestering me all those years ago in Sunday School to give this F3 thing a try. Thanks to Wonk for naming me. Thanks to all the guys there that day who made me want to come back. And thanks to all my CarPex brothers no matter how long you’ve been here. You all bring a unique component to the group that gets richer with each new FNG. Stay weird.
  • God knows what’s on my heart. But I struggled to find the right words during the prayer today so that you all did. I must get better.
  • It was my honor to lead you 10 men today. You worked hard.

See also