Comfortable Rock

Tuesday, a couple days removed from the clocks “springing forward”, not sure mother nature got the memo.  YHC showed up early for an Ice Recon.  With no significant ice in sight, YHC circled back to the main parking lot to keep warm in the car.  As Grease Monkey likes to point out, I am “Cary Soft”.  So what if my car has seat warmers and a heated steering wheel…..

PAX assemble around the flag, thanks Chanticleer, 545 and we are off.


  • trot over to Chanticleer’s for warmups
  • Std Merkins OMD, Diamond Merkins OMD, Cotton Pickers*, SSH, Mountain Climbers, Chillcut Hold 3count from each PAX.  Exercises were performed with no particular count in mind.
  • Next we moved over one parking lot for Captain Insano’s “Paint the Lines Bear Crawls with Burpees”…PAX Bear crawls down the line, across the parking spot, and back up the other line.  At the end, a perfect burpee is executed.  PAX moved clockwise until Q called them to stop.


  • PAX jogged back to the Marla Dorrel Park and to the rock pile.  On the way, PAX met up with a fashionably late Build a Bear and Largemouth.  10 Penalty Burpees in their honor.
  • YHC instructed these HIMs to grab a “comfortable rock”, somewhere between a traveling and ego rock.
  • YHC instructed PAX to line up for Bear Crawl w/ Rock Push across the parking lot.  AS easy as it sounds, bear crawl while pushing rock across the asphalt.  Produced an interesting aroma.
  • And we are off, with ROCKS in tote.  PAX traveled down the greenway, hanging a right at the FORK, and made a circle around the park.  About a mile.  We stopped at various points along the way to perform the following exercises.  Again, with no particular count in mind
    • Stop 1:  Curls for the girls
    • Stop 2:  Rock Row, Curls for the girls
    • Stop 3: Chillcut Rock tap, Rock Row, Curls for the girls
    • Stop 4: Burpees with Rock, Chillcut Rock tap, Rock Row, Curls for the girls
    • Stop 5: Drop rock, and squat hold for the 6
    • Stop 6: Drop rock off back at Rock Pile
  • Roughly 8 minutes remaining, PAX put back their rocks and partnered up
    • Partner 1, run from Rock Pile, back to the main parking lot, around the circle, and back.
    • Partner 2, group led Mary until Partner returned
      • Rinse and Repeat


  • Announcements:
    • F3 Dad’s camping trip sometime in June.  Get with Hermes for details.  NO WOMEN ALLOWED
    • F3 Dad’s this weekend.
  • Prayers
    • Grease’s mom, follow up visit on Thursday to see how the Cancer treatments are progressing
  • YHC led us out in prayer


  • *Grease hates cotton pickers.  Not sure why, only reason I can tell is that it disrupts the continuous “middle school girly chatter” between him and Denali.
  • Grease went to FMJ, realized that the Q was Hello Kitty, abruptly left and came to FWD.  Sorry Kitty.  Yes, he was on time.
  • Rocks are cold after a snow
  • Joe Smith now knows the definition of a “Comfortable Rock”
  • No Bacon, Bojangles, or Donuts provided…maybe next time
  • Thankful as always for the opportunity to lead

See also