Come to Cary and learn something... at the library

It’s a weird feeling when you show at an AO in a tank and PJs but since one of the site Q’s suggested that is what the real men sport at BO and YHC had the Q… tank and PJs it is. Even weirder sporting the above tank and PJs and skulking around the Blue Moon Cafe, but more on that in a little bit. I’m only sorry both McCants and the dear Cap’n weren’t able to make it.

It’s been a while since BO was an option for me so a little bit of a prerun scouting session was in order. Unfortunately I timed my arrival poorly and narrowly missed Term Paper as he mosied away at a blistering pace. I’m thinking I should look into this Dry Jan myself! A lonely loop to both the old and the new parking deck with a few stops in between confirmed everything was in order… and a bit further apart than previously recollected.

New Year, new you, new parking deck it is.

We needed to stop by the library anyway. More on that just before we get to the Blue Moon in a bit.

5:44AM and a welcoming crew of 5 awaited instructions. And probably the arrival of a dozen more HIMs. 60 seconds later, seeing none, Prodigal stabbed the shovel flag into the concrete of the BO parking lot, the Pledge was recited, and we were off.

To my car.

To pick up “The Rose Society”, a book my 2.0 had borrowed months ago and which was overdue since before Christmas. And since BO is conveniently located near the brand spanking new library, no way was I getting charged an additional 24 cents in fines! This piece was getting returned!

Warm up

Mosey out of the parking lot and across the street to the Blue Moon Cafe. Or, more specifically, to the little nook right next door. The one with the little girl statue.

Circle up for: 20x (ish) IC SSH, 10x (ish) IC GM, 10x Sir Fazio’s and 10x squats

Move over to the stairs for some dead hangs.

Wait! What’s this though?! A GeoCache?? Why yes, it appears to be a magnetic key holder afixed to the bottom of the stairs, just where @burtcarpex had put his arms. Who would have thunk we would just happen upon such a rare find in DTC mere days after this hobby coming up on Slack? What a quinkydink.

If you’re interested in logging a find:


Split our half dozen in groups of a few (precisely: three) on each side of Academy. PAX #1 AYG to the second light pole as PAX #2 and #3 AMRAP Merkins. PAX #1 calls PAX #2 over, commencing merkins himself. PAX #2 calls PAX #3 over. Repeato with PAX #1 sprinting ahead another two light poles.

Many merkins were done. Then many merkins were half-assed. Then many merkins were barely attempted as we moved to the end of Academy.

Mosey to the library deck. Partner up for wheelbarrows up incline #1. Gorilla hops (and modify as necessary) up incline #2. Return said book in library drop box.

11 derkins on the bridge railing (safety checked first, of course).

Up the stairs (many many stairs) to the top deck.

Lots of discussion of geocaching, education and why Cary »> Apex. Well, quality wise since clearly the numericals works against us.

Lunges across the top deck, down the stairs and mosey to the water fountain.

Series of: L/R step ups (IC), irkins, dips (IC), american hammer twists (IC) (Franklin was discussed) and pistol squats (L/R). 10x… 15x… then 20x per request. And against request.

Maps of Cary disguised in the light poles were discussed. Cap’n Kirk was fondly thought of. Indian Run back to the flag.


Boat Canoes & L/R heel touches (signature move) closed us out.


Announcements: The Cary Theater (not in Apex) is showing “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” this weekend. YHC is working on a hall pass.

Prayers/Praises: TP’s 2.0 doing better. Shout out to YogaMat for putting into words something many of us should be actively working on.

Count-a-rama per request: 3 Respects. 6 total.


  • Kirk may be onto something with the flannel bottoms. YHC was toasty. Even with the button fly.
  • 37F is still warm enough for a tank.
  • The sprint/merkin thing was pretty fun. Will have to revisit that particular routine. Maybe tomorrow at SWW? Preblast.
  • Cary maps hidden in the light poles near the fountain are very cool. No way the Happy Dino is getting similarly inshrined in Apex.
  • YHC is going to try to get a cache placed at the top of the parking deck.
  • Solid crew of dudes this morning,

See also