Come over the Hill Caroline


A couple of weeks ago Yoga Mat, the king of pre-blasts, put out the call that the FWD Q was open. Hey, why not. Well, except for the drive. But it is always good to visit the eastern regions of my former kingdom. YHC had no idea this day would come on the heels (see what I did there?) of my beloved Wolfpack’s brutal loss to the corrupt Chapel Hillians. A little payback perhaps? Indeed.


With 2 groups of EC runners back and 0545 showing on the ol’ Garmin we lined up for Plank Allegiance before heading out of the park and across the street by the curiously parked car to the bottom of the hill heading out the other side of the shopping center. Sprint up to the first stop sign, wait for the six, sprint up to the next stop sign, then mosey back to the parking area not far from the cross-fitters with their insidy selves and circle up for

  • 41 x SSH IC
  • 41 x Merkins OMD
  • 10 x Some other exercise

The Thang

Head back by the still curiously parked car and back into the park to the concrete balls for 41 x Box Jumps OYO. Keep going on down the greenway toward the US-64 bridge stopping at the spur path (like apparently all good Qs do) for 41 more merkins OMD. After 2 10 second counts run on up to and across aforementioned bridge - which aforementioned Yoga Mat informed me was 310’ long. At the other end, gather up for the next thang. Run down the switchback hill to the bottom for 41 star jumps, then backwards run back to the top for 10 knee tuck jumps. Repeato with 41 merkins and 10 derkins. Repeato with 41 prisoner squats and 10 squat jumps.

Back across 310’ long bridge down the other side to the spur trail, stopping for 41 burpees OYO, then back to the rock pile for 10 thrusters OMD. Jog over to the curiously small basketball court for a couple of suicides (or whatever we call those these days) then finish up with some Mary


  • Count-a-rama (12)
  • Name-a-rama (4 RESPECTS)
  • Announcements (Carpex Christmas Party 12/12, 1830, Fortnight #BYOT)
  • Prayers (unspoken)
  • BOM (YHC took us out)


  • Thanks for the opportunity to lead. I am always simultaneously humbled to do it and enjoy it.
  • Congratulations to Shank who picked up on the theme which, was of course 41-10, the final score of aforementioned State - UNC Game
  • Thanks to Shank, Term Paper, and Augmented for being good sports and not giving me shit about the loss and taking the “punishment” all in good fun, which was how it was meant
  • Thanks for the trunk coffee, aforementioned Yoga Mat!
  • I set a new standard for use of the word ‘aforementioned’ in a BB

See also