Colt 45

Figured this was a nice nod to the Marine Corps’ chosen sidearm, the
Colt 1911 Marine CQBP M45-A1 .45 ACP Pistol . Here at Full Metal Jacket, we are used to close quarters, and we went into battle today.

2 hearty youth (@michelobcarpex and @sub)joined YHC for 3 extra credit laps around the Salem homestead. FYI, one lap is a little over 1.33miles if you’re looking for extra credit running in the future. As we started our third lap, Poolee was there ready to jump in for a lap with us. Sub briefly thought he was done, then jumped back in for lap 3. Good work all!

Back to the flag in time to greet the LARGE NUMBER of arriving PAX, and grab some gloves, Q set about looking for new faces. Since it’s been a while since I posted, let alone led a workout, I was a might rusty. Saw one FNG, who identified himself as Rich, a friend of Keith (who is Keith???), but there was no Keith there with him. So, disclaimer given in some form, with a lot of emphasis on the no assets and LOTS of liabilities side, and at 0530 we started with the Pledge of Allegiance…and wait, who’s that flying in after all the above, but @sammyboilermakr. So we waited. And waited. And waited for him. Hair parted just so, gloves slipped on, ready to rock. And then we levied penalty burpees. On him. While we squatted/planked/burpeed along with him (you HIMs!)

Um, did anyone else notice our other FNG at this point? (Stealth/Ninja)! Not the Q…

So off we went, in typical Old Maid fashion (“Follow me”) down to the pitch for a little warmup. @f3petsounds was in fine form of helping keep us all together, thank you sir.


  • 15 SSH IC
  • 15 IW IC
  • 10 GM IC
  • 5 Windmills IC

Warmup complete, follow me back off the field. Hi knees, butt kix, carioca left and right. To Ant Hill… surely they’re gone by now, right?

Nope. “Watch out for the ant hills!” I shouted more than once.

  • Bearcrawl up, 5 burpees, crawl bear back down, 5 plank jacks
  • Bearcrawl up, 10 burpees, crawl bear back down the other side, 10 plank jacks
  • Run up, 5 burpees, run down, 5 plank jacks, squat hold for the 6

Next, mosey over to the small circle, squat hold, then plank hold, for everyone to arrive.

  • Lunge walk around, squat hold for all to arrive, then 20 merkins OMD (Q tried unsuccessfully to play a little FMJ soundtrack, but my crappy iPhone 1 just wasn’t up to the task)
  • Walk lunge around, squat hold for all to arrive, then 20 merkins OMD

Spent a little time here in plank and chilcutt, then up and at ’em for the next thang.

Mosey over to the next circle for some partnering up. 23 of us, so Q was odd man out.

  • First round was opposite ways, then 10 partner clap merkins (thanks @termpapercarpex for the clarification).
  • Next round was 10 bropees.
  • Third lap was partner derkins for partner 1.
  • Fourth lap was the same for partner 2. All in, squat hold for the six, then off we go.

Carioca over towards our favorite wall for some fun.

  • First up, 10 count people’s chair down the line. That was a LONG line. Arms up, arms out, hug a tree, repeato, then break the cycle just to mess with @sabancarpex.
  • That’s done, swap over to BTTW for a 10 count down the line. Remember how long it was the first time? #TWSS. Recover.
  • Back to People’s chair for a speed round 5 count, then off for the next thang.

Mosey over to the playground for a little four corners. Break into 4 groups and alternate through 3 sets of 10 each of dips, pull ups, LBCs, and WWIIs. Found the big spinny thing to be a right good spot for dips. @termpapercarpex called me out on my dips, then saw I was actually doing a little bit of work.

Done there, it was 6:0hate, and I could see @sabancarpex eyeing the clock. On the way back, just enough time for a Billy Run between lightpoles, then Parker led the PAX on speed mary until the Q arrived. 4-5 reps done before we wrapped up on the good old ‘Merican Hammer. Fitting.

Time of death, 0630. Then all hell broke loose. Countarama 23. Name-a-rama…we get through 3 then hear “FNG”…whatdaheck? Fail. My bad.

Anyhow, we got to name 2 FNGs today; Welcome Payback and Stealth (Ninja). See you in the gloom again soon!

Great to be with you all out there again today after a bit of a hiatus at the end of 2018/early 2019. Time to get after it again. New age group starts Wednesday, so come to BH on Thursday to see an old(er) man Q. A privilege as always to be your servant leader today.


  • Krispy Kreme Challenge coming up. See Slack for more deets.
  • Q swap this week with South Wake; next week they invade our sites. Stand ready!
  • @termpapercarpex opening up a body shop in the new year…@brianjodice already working on the business plan.

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