Cold Burpees

It was a cold morning at the finest AO in NW Cary, on a Thursday morning. The mumblechatter abounded on slack about the impending Burpee beatdown and there were still two dozen PAX in attendance. Here is how it went down….

Disclaimer to two FNGs - Welcome Molson and Ratchet!

At 5:45 sharp many PAXs were surprised as YHC started jogging. Quick warm up run to the front middle school parking lot for some warm up.

Warm up:

  • SSH/Burpees - I have to admit this sounded easy on paper, 5 x SSH then 2 x burpees up to a total of 25 SSH and 10 Burpees but after 10 SSH and 4 burpees I decided to move on.
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers
  • 10 x Good mornings - you know since Nature Boy was there…
  • 10 x Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward/10 x reverse
  • 10 x Mountain Climbers
  • 10 x Plank jacks

Mosey to small track at the elementary school for:

Thang 1:

  • Bropee mile modified: Find a partner, one partner runs clockwise the other runs counter clockwise, when you meet 10 x bropees. Repeat for 5 times for a total of 50 bropees.

Thang 2:

Return to front parking lot for 7’s. Burpees and LBCs. 21 more burpees

Thang 3:

Make three lines for burpee Indian run. Loop around the parking lot, back PAX does 2 x burpees then sprints to the front. Repeat for a second lap at the request of the site Q. Everyone should have enjoyed 8 more burpees.

Partner up with someone of similar speed that will push your pace back to the basketball court.

Thang 4:

Basketball court fun:

  • Partner 1 BTTW
  • Partner 2 Broad jump burpees across the court (shorter side)
  • Flip flop - should be 5 more burpees each
  • Next, with your partner for fellowship complete 10 deconstructed burpees

Jog to parking lot and circle up for Mary.


  • 5 burpees OYO - Thanks Frisco
  • PAX choice - box cutters, American hammers, homer to marge, alphabet something (Two Factor, need a name for that one), and of course 10 x burpees OYO courtesy of Disco Duck.


  • Welcome FNGs Ratchet and Molson
  • Operation sweet tooth in full effect, if you don’t have time to shop get Parker some money and he’ll help you out
  • Christmas party 12/13. Updated details on Slack
  • Clown car to JoCo on Saturday. See Slack for details
  • Prayers for Disco and Kelly. Also for Beaker’s family loosing their pet.


  • Always a pleasure to lead
  • YHC is trying not to develop a bad reputation. Disco challenged me to set a milage recorded at Dante’s Peak a few months back. That was broken by Squatter the day before the Odyssey. I guess I need to work on that. And today he challenged me to a burpee themed workout. 113 burpees isn’t too extreme right?
  • Welcome back Clementine!
  • It is great to see this group continue to grow, spread the word and bring a FNG!

See also